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Do you like or dislike the new wave of hatred for the Seahawks?

Do you like or dislike the new wave of hatred for the Seahawks?

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Sep 1, 2011
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Well that's wrong Sherman tipped the ball, Malcolm Smith caught it. So clearly you have no idea what you are talking about.

Dang it, I wanted to see if he could figure that out. I'm sure he was scratching his head :think:and wondering about my remark.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The reason is simple: Lynch and Sherman.
Two of the biggest assholes in the NFL.
Lynch is a friggin thug, and Sherman is a classless sore winner.
Quite a pair imho.
Well those of you who thought these idiots didn't exist, one came right to your door.

Hating an entire team over your opinions of two players? OK son. Hate away then.

Sherman gives more to charity than nearly anyone else in the NFL and Lynch's foundation does a lot of great work for inner city kids in his old neighborhood. RS has ran his mouth and is the first to go congratulate a team when they lose. He's not a thug, I mean there really aren't many (any?) Stanford grad thugs that I'm aware of. :lol:

If he's a poor sport then why go shake hands with Brady after the SB loss? You haven't seen any of his vids where he confronts fans talking trash about him and shakes their hands. Dude doesn't take himself that seriously so it's funny when other fans do.

You have decided who these two are off incomplete and largely inaccurate representations of a total of 2 events. It's called using excuses to justify hate you already had. Nothing wrong with that. You can hate anyone you want and don't need a reason to if that's how you roll. Just be honest about it and call it what it is.


I Hate Orange.!
May 31, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Hating an entire team over your opinions of two players? OK son. Hate away then.

Dude I don't hate the Hawks or even dislike them. I actually like the crap outta Wilson and Carroll.
The OP asked a question and I gave an OPINION as to why. I don't even hate the two I mentioned.
Jeez, get over yourselves already, or don't ask for it on the Forum board, and then get all jacked up when the desired response is given.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Dude I don't hate the Hawks or even dislike them. I actually like the crap outta Wilson and Carroll.
The OP asked a question and I gave an OPINION as to why. I don't even hate the two I mentioned.
Jeez, get over yourselves already, or don't ask for it on the Forum board, and then get all jacked up when the desired response is given.
So you came up with the reason that Sherman wasn't even responsible for the only play you want to diagram out as to why people don't like him and blanket call Lynch a thug ans Sherman a poor sport, and now want to backpedal that into just saying others believe that not you?

You do know the topic of this thread was about hatred for the Hawks, not Sherman and Lynch right? So you were only giving an opinion about the topic asked, but now claim your answer wasn't to that question and wasn't really your opinion.

Yeah, you have your shit figured out quite well don't you?

Damn man, at least have the balls to stand up for whatever it is you are trying to say and/or believe in. :L


I Hate Orange.!
May 31, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So you came up with the reason that Sherman wasn't even responsible for the only play you want to diagram out as to why people don't like him and blanket call Lynch a thug ans Sherman a poor sport, and now want to backpedal that into just saying others believe that not you?

Damn man, at least have the balls to stand up for whatever it is you are trying to say and/or believe in.

Not backpedaling and I gave my reasons for the two I mentioned.
I made a mistake on the play, get over it.

I stand by what I said about them, it's you who apparently have a reading comprehension problem bud.....:crazy:

Have a nice day.......:D


I love Beer.
Jul 3, 2013
Vancouver, WA
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Even though it's a slam against the Seahawks, I literally couldn't stop laughing for a good 5 minutes when I saw it.



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Jul 2, 2013
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The reason is simple: Lynch and Sherman.
Two of the biggest assholes in the NFL.
Lynch is a friggin thug, and Sherman is a classless sore winner.
Quite a pair imho.

The perceived notion of Marshawn being a thug and Sherman being classless is not true but I can see why outsiders may view them in that light.

I disagree with Marshawn though. Not of his label, because he is from Oakland and the way he acts is consistent of his upbringing, but Marshawn's image has nothing to do with the Seahawks hatred. If anything a lot of fans outside of Seattle love Marshawn the player. Who doesn't love Beastmode? Maybe there's a small group who look down upon people who talks the way (or chooses not to talk) Marshawn talks, but that's a small group.

As for Sherman, he is the best at what he does and in 2012 and 2013 he was not afraid to let everyone know that. Since then he has simmered down and let his play do the talking. He is still outspoken, but the days of "You Mad Bro" and the NFC Championship rant are over. Sherman is a highly intelligent individual and he recognizes his image and his brand is impacted by his actions.

But even so a lot of people still love to hate Sherman because their image of him is still the 2012/2013 Sherman and I could see why some people could choose to root against the Seahawks because of that.

My take is that most of the people who troll and hate the Seahawks with a passion are those who barely even watch them play or know anything about the players outside of major headlines.

This is why fans of the NFC West (Cards, 49ers, Rams) dislike us but have major respect for us as a team. They see these guys twice a year and know a lot about most of the players. They know we aren't a bunch of thugs and while they may root against us with a passion they respect our players and would probably take them on their team in a heart beat.

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Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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I don't care - it means we're relevant...