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Do the Cowboys even win another game?


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
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Gurley is averaging 6.14 yards a carry and that is after playing some of the better run defenses in this league. Has two hundred more yards rushing then Lynch, one more TD, with less carries and less games played. Of course is average over 2 and half more yards more carry than Lynch.

And he's been doing it for so long too. Gurley is good, but he's gonna have to continue his production for a while before you say he's a better RB than Lynch. Oline has so much to do with making a RB look good. Lynch has had an atrocious one for the entire season, but he also has a resume to back him up.


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Gurley is averaging 6.14 yards a carry and that is after playing some of the better run defenses in this league. Has two hundred more yards rushing then Lynch, one more TD, with less carries and less games played. Of course is average over 2 and half more yards more carry than Lynch.

Lynch hasn't really gotten going yet though, Bad O-line play early was a big reason... along with an injury, But he's starting to make his mark as the season roll's on...


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Lynch hasn't really gotten going yet though, Bad O-line play early was a big reason... along with an injury, But he's starting to make his mark as the season roll's on...

...but, but, I though handing him the ball was a guaranteed first down!


Apr 17, 2013
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One thing I can't figure out. The Cowboys have the winningest QB in college football history riding its bench (Kellen Moore) but they can't even give him a shot, instead going for "proven" ineffective retreads. I realize that the pro game isn't the college game, but why not take a chance? Enough.

Play Kellen Moore!


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One thing I can't figure out. The Cowboys have the winningest QB in college football history riding its bench (Kellen Moore) but they can't even give him a shot, instead going for "proven" ineffective retreads. I realize that the pro game isn't the college game, but why not take a chance? Enough.

Play Kellen Moore!

Don't you have better things to do Kellen Moore than to go message boards telling how you should start and how great you would be, I'm pretty sure Cassel and Weeden want their cars waxed.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Don't you have better things to do Kellen Moore than to go message boards telling how you should start and how great you would be, I'm pretty sure Cassel and Weeden want their cars waxed.
Their cars don't need it. Cassel and Weeden get waxed every time they step onto the field.

Not sure why anyone would defend either of those proven losers, seems like the results speak for themselves. I'm not the smartest guy in the room, but Linehan brought Moore in for a reason. I watched Moore play, I've never seen better. While he lacks the "NFL QB stereotype" he knows football and wins. You bet, he's never had a chance to prove, and big time college players don't always convert to the NFL. But Moore's record is spotless, he has the best winning record in college football (50-3) and incredible stats. What in the hell do the Cowboys have to lose?

I know, I know, Dallas would rather go with the devils they know, than take a chance, but it seems like desperation time. You got a proven winner on the bench and are too chicken to give him a chance?

Seems stupid to me.


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Their cars don't need it. Cassel and Weeden get waxed every time they step onto the field.

Not sure why anyone would defend either of those proven losers, seems like the results speak for themselves. I'm not the smartest guy in the room, but Linehan brought Moore in for a reason. I watched Moore play, I've never seen better. While he lacks the "NFL QB stereotype" he knows football and wins. You bet, he's never had a chance to prove, and big time college players don't always convert to the NFL. But Moore's record is spotless, he has the best winning record in college football (50-3) and incredible stats. What in the hell do the Cowboys have to lose?

I know, I know, Dallas would rather go with the devils they know, than take a chance, but it seems like desperation time. You got a proven winner on the bench and are too chicken to give him a chance?

Seems stupid to me.

All I can guess is that Moore hasn't shown anything to warrant a shot at the field by at least two teams.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Their cars don't need it. Cassel and Weeden get waxed every time they step onto the field.

Not sure why anyone would defend either of those proven losers, seems like the results speak for themselves. I'm not the smartest guy in the room, but Linehan brought Moore in for a reason. I watched Moore play, I've never seen better. While he lacks the "NFL QB stereotype" he knows football and wins. You bet, he's never had a chance to prove, and big time college players don't always convert to the NFL. But Moore's record is spotless, he has the best winning record in college football (50-3) and incredible stats. What in the hell do the Cowboys have to lose?

I know, I know, Dallas would rather go with the devils they know, than take a chance, but it seems like desperation time. You got a proven winner on the bench and are too chicken to give him a chance?

Seems stupid to me.

Never seen better? Do you watch football outside of Boise?
Here's what you are missing, he's too short to run a NFL offense. Brees and Wilson are the exception to the rule.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Never seen better? Do you watch football outside of Boise?
Here's what you are missing, he's too short to run a NFL offense. Brees and Wilson are the exception to the rule.
I watch a lot of football, dude. I get the height rap, but even you admit that there are more than a few exceptions to the rule. Dallas is desperate right now, they can play it safe and go with these retreads who have had a ton of chances, and just haven't delivered. Or they can take a risk and go with someone who has won everywhere he has been given a chance. Sure, I admit to being a BSU fan, but I've seen this unimpressive physical specimen play QB like he was sitting in the press box playing a video game. Besides, the real key to running a team is the mental aspect, the Cowboys are thinking and playing like losers right now, something needs to be done to reset the attitude.

I watched Kellen Moore carve up a lot of great defenses. He didn't break half of CFB's records because he is a putz. Sure, the NFL is a bigger, faster game, everyone knows that. And I'm not the coach, nor do I know what happens in the locker room or in practice. But Lord, if I was Garrett, and had a choice between a question mark and two definite NOs, I might try the question mark.

Just answer this, what the hell does Dallas have to lose right now?