I really can't conclude that the guy has an uncontrollable temper based off of one little shoving match in a football game and one little shoving match outside of a bar
Get real people......reality is it's not even a big deal at all. It's people being people.
HH gets in fights all the time, maybe we should ban him from SportsHoopla for that.
Get back to me about this minor little story when Dennard is out of control. Then we'll make a big deal out of it.
All it is is something for people to gab about during off-season
This one minor too?
Ok, now I don't understand how ANYONE gets a DUI!!! Rich, poor, middle class (whatever the fuck that means now a days), black, white, whatever. I don't understand how anyone gets a DUI!!!!
I am really not trying to be a dick here but anyone that says the rich can pay a friend to stay sober or the rich can get a cab or whatever else you can say about how the rich can and should spend their money, just stop. They are freaking human beings like the rest of us. They make mistakes. They are no better than any of us. And how do you know they can find a friend to stay sober? Have you been in that kind of a circle. Those kind of leacheswant to live the same party life as their buddy. And they can do it for free!!!!! People rip apart high paid athletes for going bankrupt (and justifiably so in my opinion). But throwing money at their friends so they can be the responsible ones for them does not help their bank account.
Sorry, I just had to rant because it is just like people that say "Buffet should give a million here and a million there because it is nothing to him" bug me. It is his damn money, he more than earned it, let him do what he wants with it.
Managed to go 20 years of my life without seeing the inside of a courtroom, but I slipped up one night where I thought I had no option but to drive. If I had known how bad they royally fuck your wallet I would never have done it.
I thought it was just gonna be the fine and attorney fee, but the car insurance is by far the worst part. When it's all said and done you end up costing yourself about 20 grand.