It's raw, you donkey!
does it show on my team?
I play fantasy football to make a profit, plain and simple.
I like gambling, I like football, it's a perfect combo for me and the motivating factor to not only beat my friends in a competition, but to also take their money while doing so.
Bro, that's all fine and good, and I love to trade, but I have to agree that for me, the MBBRL leagues are special. All of 'em.
We've been doin' 'em, what, 12 years now? Maybe more?
@MilkSpiller22 is maybe a little behind with the MBBRL Dynasty Baseball league, but I gotta tell ya: It's the only baseball league I really look forward to every year.
Not to be some rah rah goombah, but everyone who is in an MBBRL League should be proud that they are.