I Just Don't Know: Do the Coyotes have better attendance in Phoenix or in Winnipeg?
Data, for those who would like to deal in statistics and logic.
Data, for those who would like to deal in statistics and logic.
I Just Don't Know: Do the Coyotes have better attendance in Phoenix or in Winnipeg?
Data, for those who would like to deal in statistics and logic.
You attacked me the entire time
Better yet, if you haven't been to AZ and you don't know what the fuck you are talking about- THEN DO ME A FAVOR AND ADMIT YOU DON'T KNOW AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.
I don't care what the rest of you say, I'm with the Yotes fan!
I'm in his corner.
Arizona guy, I do not like your attitude! You have no sense of humor and you're far too wound up. Stop telling people to shut the fuck up. Simmer down, kid.
Tell that bitch to be cool! Say, 'bitch be cool!'
Isn't that what you want, victim?
I haven't been to Arizona, but a lot of hockey fans have never been there. But let me try and sum up some things that we seem to know about Arizona hockey:
- Bad building
- Lame team
- Bad owners
- Fariweather fans
- It's everyone else's fault, because one guy played hockey in high school.
- Glendale is too far
- People would rather play anything else
- Canadians are mean
- Winnipeg had attendance issues once before you were born
- You completely missed the fucking point about the health of the GAME. Not the health of the TEAM.
I get that you are pissed and will be personally affected when they leave. Must suck to be so alone. But the fact of the matter is, the experiment failed.
It's failed in Atlanta and Miami too.
If you don't like his attitude, you probably have some Canadian in you!!
If you don't like his attitude, you probably have some Canadian in you!!
As soon as the Canadians on this board pay the $5.50 to enter the US, you are going to get destroyed.
As soon as the Canadians on this board pay the $5.50 to enter the US, you are going to get destroyed.
What's that, like 14 bucks American?
I think everything relevant that can be said has been said on this thread. Should it be locked?