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Congrats Seapeople. Heck of a game / season


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Aug 3, 2011
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And now I have to post with this damn avatar 'til March. :(

Mr. Tacoma

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'bout time you showed your ugly mug sickness! Although thanks to that avi bet that mug is starting to look pretty damn good!

You're a class act man.


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And now I have to post with this damn avatar 'til March. :(

lol why is that ? Did you lose a bet ? And thanks for the props helluva game.. Seahawks and Niners defenses are just flash out a pain in the a@@es… LOVE good defensive football though… LOVE IT…


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lol why is that ? Did you lose a bet ?

Yep. You can thank seahawksfan234 for getting a few of up on the Niners' forum to go in for an Avi' bet.

Worst NFC Championship game ever. A loss & Bowman broke his leg in half. That was disgusting. :(

Mr. Tacoma

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Yep. You can thank seahawksfan234 for getting a few of up on the Niners' forum to go in for an Avi' bet.

Worst NFC Championship game ever. A loss & Bowman broke his leg in half. That was disgusting. :(

Yeah that was horrific. They had to show it in slo-mo from every angle too.


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A loss & Bowman broke his leg in half. That was disgusting. :(
One of the worst injuries I have seen in a game. Probably the best LB in the game and it made me sick to see that. Prayers for a speedy recovery.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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And now I have to post with this damn avatar 'til March. :(

Good on ya man. I know it has to really suck to wear that avi and sig and to attempt to be humble in your loss to your most hated rival. You are really one of the good guys over there and are always welcome here. Even after you discard that avi.



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Yep. You can thank seahawksfan234 for getting a few of up on the Niners' forum to go in for an Avi' bet.

Worst NFC Championship game ever. A loss & Bowman broke his leg in half. That was disgusting. :(

Yeah man that was terrible… I hated the way they kept showing that over and over… Also that play not being reviewable on the turnover is something the NFL better fix for next year.. Ironicly you guy's got the ball right back so it kinda worked out fairly even BUT it wasn't fair really definite turnover…. Hopefully Bowman recovers well… And good man for honoring your bet… Takes a man there…


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2011
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Yeah man that was terrible… I hated the way they kept showing that over and over… Also that play not being reviewable on the turnover is something the NFL better fix for next year.. Ironicly you guy's got the ball right back so it kinda worked out fairly even BUT it wasn't fair really definite turnover…. Hopefully Bowman recovers well… And good man for honoring your bet… Takes a man there…

Yeah the bad call worked itself out, so I'm not sweating that one.

I couldn't even watch it after the first replay. I was looking at the ball, and then I saw his leg & I literally had to look away or I was gonna lose my dinner.

Mr. Tacoma

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Yeah man that was terrible… I hated the way they kept showing that over and over… Also that play not being reviewable on the turnover is something the NFL better fix for next year.. Ironicly you guy's got the ball right back so it kinda worked out fairly even BUT it wasn't fair really definite turnover…. Hopefully Bowman recovers well… And good man for honoring your bet… Takes a man there…

That injury made my stomach turn, that was almost Theismann bad. The human leg just doesn't bend that way! I hope to fuck he doesn't have floating bone chips messing with him later on, that was a career threatening break.


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
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Good for you Ninersickness.. Hopefully you will get a reprieve before march. You did the manly thing by adhering to your bet so I hope whoever owns your debt will be just as gracious and let you off early.

Tough team those Niners. Great season. Good luck next year......................kinda.


I love Beer.
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Yep. You can thank seahawksfan234 for getting a few of up on the Niners' forum to go in for an Avi' bet.

Worst NFC Championship game ever. A loss & Bowman broke his leg in half. That was disgusting. :(

I was DREADING having to use the 5 Lombardi Trophy avi... Thank god I didn't have to.


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Itsmytime;4406753[B said:
]I was DREADING having to use the 5 Lombardi Trophy avi[/B]... Thank god I didn't have to.

I know what your saying. I was starting to doubt the wisdom of risking a avatar twice in one day.:lol: Thankfully it all worked out!


Swollen Member
Aug 12, 2011
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I didn't want to waste another thread on this, so I figured I would piggy back on what Sick already started.

Congrats to the Seahawks on the win yesterday. It was one of the best games that I have seen in awhile, win or lose. Both teams played like Heavyweight contenders and the 3rd Q was awesome to watch each team throw haymakers! Obviously the ending was not what I wanted, but it was fun nonetheless.

Bowman's injury was terrible, almost Theisman/McCallum terrible and what pains me is the realization that we may not have him back until 2015 if it is as bad as originally reported.

To the singular (might be slightly plural) fan throwing shit at Bowman as he left, go FUCK yourself.

To RS, way to stay classy. Here's to hoping that I am watching when he receives his just desserts.

To most of the 12's, thank you for the hospitality, and I enjoyed the banter back and forth. However the two different offers to fight that I received upon leaving were pretty classless, especially considering I was walking with my wife and daughter. My hearing was finally restored back to normal this morning.

That was fun.

To the posters on this board, good luck and good health the rest of the way.


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I didn't want to waste another thread on this, so I figured I would piggy back on what Sick already started.

Congrats to the Seahawks on the win yesterday. It was one of the best games that I have seen in awhile, win or lose. Both teams played like Heavyweight contenders and the 3rd Q was awesome to watch each team throw haymakers! Obviously the ending was not what I wanted, but it was fun nonetheless.

Bowman's injury was terrible, almost Theisman/McCallum terrible and what pains me is the realization that we may not have him back until 2015 if it is as bad as originally reported.

To the singular (might be slightly plural) fan throwing shit at Bowman as he left, go FUCK yourself.

To RS, way to stay classy. Here's to hoping that I am watching when he receives his just desserts.

To most of the 12's, thank you for the hospitality, and I enjoyed the banter back and forth. However the two different offers to fight that I received upon leaving were pretty classless, especially considering I was walking with my wife and daughter. My hearing was finally restored back to normal this morning.

That was fun.

To the posters on this board, good luck and good health the rest of the way.

The food throwing and the fight challenging aren't indicative of what we're about and I think you'll find that those of us here are disgusted by that stuff. Some people think that because they're in a rowdy environment, it's "anything goes" and I wouldn't be surprised if the food throwers and the wannabe fighters were all drunk off their asses, but it sucks that behavior like that often goes unpunished because it's "part of the football culture".

I wish that Sherman hadn't come off the way he did in that interview because it did make him look bad, but emotion and passion are part of his game and those of us that have ever spoken with emotion and passion like that before know that it doesn't always come across as we would like it to. The networks that cover these games do those sideline interviews hoping to get something like that from a player or a coach because it's something they can talk about for weeks. Admittedly it didn't put Sherman in the best light, especially given his reputation as a loose cannon, but if people don't want to see something like that, they need to push for networks to stop with the sideline interviews so close to the ends of games.


Swollen Member
Aug 12, 2011
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Like I said, MOST of the 12's were gracious and hospitable. I even had a Hawk fan offering up food to us from their tailgate as we ventured into the park. It was overall an enjoyable experience. The walk to the car was the only part that I wish didn't happen.

I also don't rope an entire fan base based on the actions of the few, whether it be on this site or at the game.

With regards to RS, the shame in this is that instead of the talking heads at ESPN talking about how good your team is leading to the Super Bowl, they are talking about RS because he made his post game interview about himself and Crabtree. Respect the game, respect your opponent, and respect your team. He did none of those things in his multiple post game interviews and because of that, he ranks up there with TO, Romanoski, and other players I dislike based on antics that have nothing to do with the actual game.


True story
Aug 3, 2011
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Hey hawk fans. No way could I post this last night, but great game. Still can't believe this stupid avitar. The signature is actually pretty funny. Anyway..... This sucks.

As far as RS goes, he made a hell of a play. But the linebacker who intercepted the ball ( don't remember who it was, and I refuse to watch it again for obvious butt hurt reasons), is getting no love because RS made it about himself. That's the only problem I have with it. Don't take that away from a teammate. You made a great play, your teammate sealed the win. Nobody is talking about him, just Sherman's antics.


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Kudo's to the fans of our NFL rival for being good sports about the avi's and for showing up.
It was a great game played by the 2 best teams in the NFC, if not the 2 best teams in the NFL.
I appologize for any assholes the SF fans may have met or bumped into. The vast majority of 12' are good guys just like you.
dred, if I knew you were in town I would have bought you a beer if the Mrs would be good with it.

Lastly, your team is the bomb and my heart wishes to avoid these types of games in our future. Your team finally played a spirited game in our house and damn, your QB runs like the wind.