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Congrads Jon Ryan


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 805.92
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Hey, it's the off season. How did you meet yours?
Back in the day when you ran an ad in the paper instead of Craigslist I ran an ad for a bassist as I was forming a new band when I got back from the Navy. A girl answered the ad saying she wasn't a bassist, but was a lead singer and would we consider a female lead? At that time female leads were pretty popular in the A list bands. Pat Benetar, Linda Ronstadt, Stevie Nicks, Blondie, Gracie Slick, Joan Jett...
So we auditioned her and hired her. Being a drummer, I sit in the back of the band and got to see her "shake it" for a couple of years and thought I better secure her for the long term.
We dated 5 years, now married 30 years. We are still active in the local music scene.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,816.00
Fav. Team #1
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Hey, it's the off season. How did you meet yours?

I went with my brother and his family to the 9th birthday party of one of my niece's friends, and my wife was helping with the party. A couple days later, her boss (the mother of the 9 year old birthday girl) offered me a job as the handy man at the daycare where she worked. Her family had some pretty strong beliefs about the evils of my particular religion, so it took a while (2 months) to get her to go out with me, and then it was a her church in an attempt to convert me. Her parents were not thrilled that we had started seeing each other, and may have been one of the reasons we got engaged so quickly (we dated a month before getting engaged) as having people so against the relationship kind've forced us closer. We were engaged for 7 months before the wedding, but not before she had to leave her parents home while they were away, and move to my grandmother's guest house. Her parents refused to attend the wedding, but other than that it was the perfect day and her parents and her reconciled about 6 months later (I was even accepted after my disability took affect 3 years later). We will celebrate our 10th anniversary next month.

scan0006 distorted background.jpg


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Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
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Hey, it's the off season. How did you meet yours?
Back in the day when you ran an ad in the paper instead of Craigslist I ran an ad for a bassist as I was forming a new band when I got back from the Navy. A girl answered the ad saying she wasn't a bassist, but was a lead singer and would we consider a female lead? At that time female leads were pretty popular in the A list bands. Pat Benetar, Linda Ronstadt, Stevie Nicks, Blondie, Gracie Slick, Joan Jett...
So we auditioned her and hired her. Being a drummer, I sit in the back of the band and got to see her "shake it" for a couple of years and thought I better secure her for the long term.
We dated 5 years, now married 30 years. We are still active in the local music scene.

Sure now every ones else's story is going to sound lame.:lol:

My story is pretty vanilla. I was hustling a gal who was playing very hard to get. I joined a mixed bowling league because she asked me to. I ended up meeting my future wife, funny thing is the gal playing hard to get, suddenly just got the hots for me after I started dating my future wife. She really went all out, but it was to late.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 805.92
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I went with my brother and his family to the 9th birthday party of one of my niece's friends, and my wife was helping with the party. A couple days later, her boss (the mother of the 9 year old birthday girl) offered me a job as the handy man at the daycare where she worked. Her family had some pretty strong beliefs about the evils of my particular religion, so it took a while (2 months) to get her to go out with me, and then it was a her church in an attempt to convert me. Her parents were not thrilled that we had started seeing each other, and may have been one of the reasons we got engaged so quickly (we dated a month before getting engaged) as having people so against the relationship kind've forced us closer. We were engaged for 7 months before the wedding, but not before she had to leave her parents home while they were away, and move to my grandmother's guest house. Her parents refused to attend the wedding, but other than that it was the perfect day and her parents and her reconciled about 6 months later (I was even accepted after my disability took affect 3 years later). We will celebrate our 10th anniversary next month.

View attachment 14466
She's a beaut. Good job.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 805.92
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Sure now every ones else's story is going to sound lame.:lol:

My story is pretty vanilla. I was hustling a gal who was playing very hard to get. I joined a mixed bowling league because she asked me to. I ended up meeting my future wife, funny thing is the gal playing hard to get, suddenly just got the hots for me after I started dating my future wife. She really went all out, but it was to late.
Good story, not at all lame and that'll teach her to play HTG with Harold!


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,816.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
She's a beaut. Good job.

Why thank you. When we went to get the marriage liscence, they made her come back with 3 forms of identification proving she was the age of consent, since they thought she was 15 (she was 23).


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Sep 1, 2011
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Why thank you. When we went to get the marriage liscence, they made her come back with 3 forms of identification proving she was the age of consent, since they thought she was 15 (she was 23).
Good job blstoker. When you met the right one, you got to go for it. Everyone else be damned.


I love Beer.
Jul 3, 2013
Vancouver, WA
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$ 6.36
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Met my fiance at Starbucks. She forgot her purse in her car and I was behind her in line and said I would pay for it, because well it seemed like an amazing ice breaker. Next thing I know she is putting her number in my phone under the name "coffee girl in yoga pants". Called a few days later and we dated for over a year and a half. Got engaged February 21st of this year.

PS: For shits and giggles her name is still "coffee girl in yoga pants" in my phone.


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Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
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Met my fiance at Starbucks. She forgot her purse in her car and I was behind her in line and said I would pay for it, because well it seemed like an amazing ice breaker. Next thing I know she is putting her number in my phone under the name "coffee girl in yoga pants". Called a few days later and we dated for over a year and a half. Got engaged February 21st of this year.

PS: For shits and giggles her name is still "coffee girl in yoga pants" in my phone.
Good story. I had a feeling that many of us would have a interesting story about how they met their wife. Kudos to Uhsplit for encouraging us to share.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Ok, enuf with the BS. Now let's tell the truth, and nothing but the truth.:eek:

LOL, sorry, I felt compelled...


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2013
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I was at work and got an email from someone who knew me (asked personal questions like "How is your mom's recovery from surgery? and "Do you still have your dog AJ?").

I thought that it was someone that I had met during my party days and had burned up my memory so I responded as if I knew her. I then started asking people I know who it was.

She kept writing and I kept responding . I should have just asked her who she was but it would have been embarrassing by that point. This went on for a couple of weeks. I was getting a little freaked because some of the comments were on events in my life that were quite recent. Thought maybe it was some sort of stalker!

One day I finally asked my cousin and he said "Yeah, that's my wifes sister from Norway!" Turns out his wife was feeding her details and they were having a laugh at my expense .

We continued to write, then phone calls, then vacations back and forth several times a year. After almost 3 years of that we said that Norway-Seattle is just a way to long distance relationship and we had to call it off and just be friends or take the next step.

Been married and living in Norway going on 12 years now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 805.92
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I've been to Oslo, Trondheim (sp), and Stavanger (?). Beautiful country, from what I can remember. I was a young drunk Navy Aircrewman at the time.:suds:


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Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
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I was at work and got an email from someone who knew me (asked personal questions like "How is your mom's recovery from surgery? and "Do you still have your dog AJ?").

I thought that it was someone that I had met during my party days and had burned up my memory so I responded as if I knew her. I then started asking people I know who it was.

She kept writing and I kept responding . I should have just asked her who she was but it would have been embarrassing by that point. This went on for a couple of weeks. I was getting a little freaked because some of the comments were on events in my life that were quite recent. Thought maybe it was some sort of stalker!

One day I finally asked my cousin and he said "Yeah, that's my wifes sister from Norway!" Turns out his wife was feeding her details and they were having a laugh at my expense .

We continued to write, then phone calls, then vacations back and forth several times a year. After almost 3 years of that we said that Norway-Seattle is just a way to long distance relationship and we had to call it off and just be friends or take the next step.

Been married and living in Norway going on 12 years now.
Now that's a interesting story. :nod:


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Fav. Team #3
Back when IRC chat was at its height of popularity online I ran a chat room for people who lived in, or were otherwise interested in, Seattle. Had a couple of other mods and we managed to keep a fairly live group going. Including lots of women. Our channel was a great place for them because we had active mods and could easily chase off the creeps that just wanted to cyber sex anyone that claimed they were a chick. Threw some pretty wild meet and greet parties. Had people that actually flew in from as far away as the east coast for the bigger ones. Rented halls and had kegs/live bands and whatnot. I had met a few women at those and was quite happy just playing the field. We would throw wet t-shirt contests and pay for first and second place to help bring in more people. As the MC I was the one wetting down the girls of course.

Met my wife at one of those parties. I had flirted with her a bit on the chat channel (of course along with quite a few others). Ended up going to her house to fix her PC and after a night of hanging out in her hot tub I spent the night. There was a smaller get together the next day and I had a woman I was seeing casually from the site coming down from Port Angeles. Now, I might have played the field, but was never one to lie or play games. Everyone knew about each other. Well my future wife showed up at the event and kind of told the other woman I was hers. Bit of a fight broke out (it was at a bowling center bar). More shoving and name calling stuff, but still a fight. Really the other woman was just pissed on the timing. Anyway the next big party and wet t-shirt night was already scheduled, but that was the last of those parties we threw.

I'm still friends with several people from those seattle chat days and I'm one of four that I know of that ended up married to people that met through that channel and/or the parties we threw.

My wife and I just celebrated our 15th anniversary on the 9th of this month.


Staff member
Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
Hoopla Cash
$ 45.14
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Back when IRC chat was at its height of popularity online I ran a chat room for people who lived in, or were otherwise interested in, Seattle. Had a couple of other mods and we managed to keep a fairly live group going. Including lots of women. Our channel was a great place for them because we had active mods and could easily chase off the creeps that just wanted to cyber sex anyone that claimed they were a chick. Threw some pretty wild meet and greet parties. Had people that actually flew in from as far away as the east coast for the bigger ones. Rented halls and had kegs/live bands and whatnot. I had met a few women at those and was quite happy just playing the field. We would throw wet t-shirt contests and pay for first and second place to help bring in more people. As the MC I was the one wetting down the girls of course.

Met my wife at one of those parties. I had flirted with her a bit on the chat channel (of course along with quite a few others). Ended up going to her house to fix her PC and after a night of hanging out in her hot tub I spent the night. There was a smaller get together the next day and I had a woman I was seeing casually from the site coming down from Port Angeles. Now, I might have played the field, but was never one to lie or play games. Everyone knew about each other. Well my future wife showed up at the event and kind of told the other woman I was hers. Bit of a fight broke out (it was at a bowling center bar). More shoving and name calling stuff, but still a fight. Really the other woman was just pissed on the timing. Anyway the next big party and wet t-shirt night was already scheduled, but that was the last of those parties we threw.

I'm still friends with several people from those seattle chat days and I'm one of four that I know of that ended up married to people that met through that channel and/or the parties we threw.

My wife and I just celebrated our 15th anniversary on the 9th of this month.
Back when IRC chat was at its height of popularity online I ran a chat room for people who lived in, or were otherwise interested in, Seattle. Had a couple of other mods and we managed to keep a fairly live group going. Including lots of women. Our channel was a great place for them because we had active mods and could easily chase off the creeps that just wanted to cyber sex anyone that claimed they were a chick. Threw some pretty wild meet and greet parties. Had people that actually flew in from as far away as the east coast for the bigger ones. Rented halls and had kegs/live bands and whatnot. I had met a few women at those and was quite happy just playing the field. We would throw wet t-shirt contests and pay for first and second place to help bring in more people. As the MC I was the one wetting down the girls of course.

Met my wife at one of those parties. I had flirted with her a bit on the chat channel (of course along with quite a few others). Ended up going to her house to fix her PC and after a night of hanging out in her hot tub I spent the night. There was a smaller get together the next day and I had a woman I was seeing casually from the site coming down from Port Angeles. Now, I might have played the field, but was never one to lie or play games. Everyone knew about each other. Well my future wife showed up at the event and kind of told the other woman I was hers. Bit of a fight broke out (it was at a bowling center bar). More shoving and name calling stuff, but still a fight. Really the other woman was just pissed on the timing. Anyway the next big party and wet t-shirt night was already scheduled, but that was the last of those parties we threw.

I'm still friends with several people from those seattle chat days and I'm one of four that I know of that ended up married to people that met through that channel and/or the parties we threw.

My wife and I just celebrated our 15th anniversary on the 9th of this month.

Wow another great story. Congrats on 15th anniversary.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,816.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Your story was great. This is a off topic thread but I got to say I find it interesting.

Yeah, I've enjoyed it. A peak behind the veil if you will. Nice to see the more human lives of those who I've posted with the last couple years.