It'll be interesting to see the media reaction when this helmet rule screws a team out of a win. Close game final seconds of the 4th quarter and someone fighting to get into the endzone lowers his head and crowns someone... instead of the winning TD they take away 15 yards... yeah, that is going to go over real well.
But like always it depends on who gets screwed and who benefits. The media barely cared about everyone getting screwed by the replacements... until their beloved were on the wrong side of the replacements... then all hell broke loose on ESPN, NFL network, SI, FOX, CBS...
Pretty brutal rule change. Seems to me it would be better if they could ease into these rules, rather than making it a 15 yard penalty immediately. Let the players learn how to play under the new rules before lashing out at them with vicious, often game-changing 15 yard penalties.
But again, of course, this has nothing to do with right and wrong and what is the best way to do things. This is the NFL protecting itself against lawsuits, putting themselves into a position where they can tell a judge and jury "we did everything we could (no matter how much sense it actually made or didn't make)". They put themselves into a bad position, now it requires them to overreact and make hasty rule changes to try to wriggle themselves out of it.