I know, Iknow..............Nebraska just has to take care of business and the Big 10 Championship and Rose Bowl is still out in front of us. I get that.........you don't even have to tell me.
But this is my fucking team dammit! And I doth not like when we don't get the respect we deserve en sech![]()
Hey Jed, I just want you to know that wasn't me who called into the show and said you were an idiot![]()
Nebraska has become my "adopted" team, as a lot of my friends here are Nebraska fans. I pull for them, and like watching them play.
With that said...please explain the bold a little more. You can put winning % down all day long, but the Big 10 is utter garbage. Any significant win you have this year is now put on the Washington team you beat up on.
What Auburn and LSU do is irrelevent at this point. Nebraska lost a game, and now needs to focus on the Rose Bowl. What anyone else does has zero impact on them. They would need an absolute miracle to finish 12-1 and have a shot at the national title (not the 12-1 part, but the national title shot). South Carolina, Auburn (and whomever else) have no legit shot, but let's say south Carolina finished up 12-1. Stack their schedule up against Nebraska's, and do you think that SC is really getting unjustified credit?
Here's one thing I think we should all be able to agree upon..............the Huskers are the best thing that ever existed![]()
Here's one thing I think we should all be able to agree upon..............the Huskers are the best thing that ever existed![]()
Sorry, can't agree with that either. I may think the Huskers are cool and all but I like boobs much better. Not man boobs like BRS likes but really nice women boobs.![]()
Pencil Dick!
By the way Jed, I have not seen anywhere that MSU was afraid of us?
Why did you select that choice of word when describing that they were not physical (in your opinion) <-- which we all know is gospel and the true reflection of how the World works.
LMAO... as if you know what physical football is like... watching from the sidelines or your couch!!!
Oh BRS you make this so easy for me. You whine and cry that you are not this and you are not that and that you won't repond like this and that anymore because you are better than everyone. Yet you keep crawling back because you are a liar and you are my bitch and I love it.
I said they were afraid because according to Nebraska players, MSU was faking injuries to slow us down. Which means they were afraid of our offense continuing the pace and the momentum. It is common sense but that is why you didn't get it.
BTW, did you see my couch on the sidelines? It was pretty cool. You should ask your mom about my couch. She knows it well.
Jed... Jed... Jed... you are so delusional... but that is what happens when you live in a fantasy World delivering pizza all day... I don't have a lot of time right this minute... so... If you want a good comeback go wipe it off your Mom's face.
and I did see your couch on the sidelines... that is the closest you have ever been to a College Football field I am sure... Should have wandered over and said hi to me and the team... We could have used you on a play or two... so you could show us how MSU was not a physical team!
I have never said I was better than anyone period. I have never attempted to demean anyone here except for you and I only have done this with you because you pounded your chest as if you know more about what goes on inside of Bo and Husker (background) than even players and coaches do.
You are probably an alright guy and today while I was bullshitting with a former player who played before my time (while we were reading some of the posting here and other boards) he stated he thought he may know of who you are and your family. He said if you are who he thinks you are then you were not a problem child in your youth but kind of a smart ass.
He graduated from Roncalli high long before you did.. he stated but (if you are this guy he thinks you are) and you would probably be about 35 and 37 years old now. I told him that you must have changed as you're an ass hole now on the board and he laughed and stated that it appears I can be one as well. I decline having such a title... lol
Look; if I have ever come across like I know everything about the present teams and or Bo, let me clear this up once and for all. I know more than most because of the situation I am in but I do not attend every practice, I am not in coaches meetings and the kids playing ball today are a lot different than when I was in their shoes.
But what I do know is what T.O taught, what it takes to meet goals and how the press persecuted him up until he won his first National championship then all the sudden he was great. I see parallels in what Bo is going through and what T.O had to endure.
There are some things you say that I cannot say (due to my situation) that I agree with and I have said as much in some post but you are the one who got all butt hurt and wanted to make more of it than it was. In fact, I try to avoid any post or rumor issues that cannot be confirmed by other sources before I make comment on them and I also try to avoid starting shit with anyone... unless provoaked
Once again today; it was you who opened up the door to this bullshit banter and all I did was respond in kind.
As for my comment about you being delusional...
There is a difference between a team being gassed (tired) than being afraid. There is a difference between a team being confused or trying to get a handle on what is happening vs. not playing physical.
MSU was a physical team but appeared to be less conditioned than us. The fact that we had them guessing cause them to lighten up their aggressiveness to avoid being burned for big plays. Maybe you don't understand the difference or maybe you do I could care less... but you posting that it is your opinion that they do not qualify as a physical team (in your book) is... well..... laughable, thus JJM and others were much closer to being on target with their post than you want to admit.
As for you provoking me and me responding and calling me a liar... I never have lied as I truly do attempt to avoid getting irritated but I am human and am an aggressive "A" type individual
I am open to continue this horse-shit banter as long as you want.... this however may be unfortunate for those who have to be caught up in-between it... but I am game...
you guys used to be entertaining, but now your posts are too long:bored:
What seems to be the problem