(insert random Penguins joke here)
All I'm saying is his mobility is in question...
Just hope the plumbing doesn't give out...
Some of the fans (and bloggers) over at KuklasKorner don't want Commodore to wear #64 because they feel their team is above this type of "lame joke".
Some of the fans (and bloggers) over at KuklasKorner don't want Commodore to wear #64 because they feel their team is above this type of "lame joke". To those people, I say get over yourselves.
Heck, is Steve Heinze can wear #57 and Jim Otto of the Oakland Raiders can wear double-zero, if Commodore wants to wear #64 (and I hear there's a charity drive currently underway), he should wear it.
/Quit being so damn serious
I don't know, I get what you're saying but I kind of like the Devils rule. Lou only allows low numbers, unless you already have a high number coming from another team and really want to keep it (Mogilny). Otherwise keep the numbers low, it's a way of showing you're not looking for attention or you're not above the team.
i agree. from the team/player/management standpoint, there has to be a structure, whatever that structure may be, and internal consisitency.
but for fans to get so uptight about this is ridiculous.
The reason I wouldn't mind if he wore 64 is because Mike Commodore is not hardly a player that is really going to be able to tarnish the legacy of the Winged Wheel.
Ok, fine, I'll admit it... we don't want Mike to wear #64 because it reminds us of the fact that no one in Michigan can afford a computer newer than a Commodore 64..
Ok, fine, I'll admit it... we don't want Mike to wear #64 because it reminds us of the fact that no one in Michigan can afford a computer newer than a Commodore 64..
Ok, fine, I'll admit it... we don't want Mike to wear #64 because it reminds us of the fact that no one in Michigan can afford a computer newer than a Commodore 64..
Ok, fine, I'll admit it... we don't want Mike to wear #64 because it reminds us of the fact that no one in Michigan can afford a computer newer than a Commodore 64..
And also reminds you that every one of the players on your team knows exactly what a Commodore 64 is!
Rule 1: Only residents of Michigan can make fun of the state of Michigan...