Thank you, sir!Sty is indeed a fan and is disappointed when the team does badly and rejoices when we win.
He takes a realistic approach to supporting the team as I do. Sty is irritated with Snyder like everyone else. Sty doesn't get overly emotional about the team and realizes we are what we are.
Sty is critical of the team but also gives credit where credit is due. Just because Sty and others don't jump up and down because Carson Wentz got traded to WSH doesn't mean he isn't a Commanders fan.
Again Dean, you continue to walk alone with your Polly Anna approach to this team. We simply aren't good and it doesn't look very hopefully as long as Rivera has total authority on and off the field and Snyder is hiding behind the curtain.
You support each and every free agency decision
You support each and every draft decision
You support each and every trade
You support each and every coach on the coaching staff
You support each and every player on the team
Just because not everyone takes a blind allegiance approach doesn't mean that we are NOT fans.