couldn't sleep, mind going 1000 miles/hour
working since 4:30 just because there's nothing else to do
fuck I hate my job between June-Sept.
Didn't you just get back from Hawaii?
couldn't sleep, mind going 1000 miles/hour
working since 4:30 just because there's nothing else to do
fuck I hate my job between June-Sept.
is he wearing a snuggy? lol
love his humour, can't stand his TV show. his cackling laugh every 20 seconds drives me up the wall.yah i liked him at the golden globes ... he's an acquired taste for sure
50 most watched sports events/programs in USA so far for 2012
no NHL ... no surprise
[sadtrombone]• The Stanley Cup finals averaged a 2.2 rating, with a 4.0 for the deciding Game 6. One day, hockey, one day.[/sadtrombone]
Here Are The 50 Most-Watched Sporting Events Of 2012. Football Owns America.
this is nuts!!! mudslide down a mountainside into a lake captured live ... reporters on boat barely get away
Raw: Slide in Johnsons Landing - News Hour - Videos | Global BC
heres video showing the scope of the original massive mudslide that happened yesterday
Poor trees never stood a chance.
family of 3 that got buried didnt either