ND 14 UM 45
^^ Those who are meant to die with their head in an alligator's mouth do not fear death by falling.
just hangin' around
this is cool, too.
Den of antiquity: Flower reanimated from 30,000yo seeds — RT
may not end well...
I watched Star Trek the Motion Picture for the first time yesterday. I thought it was quite good. It was actually touching when they discovered who V'ger was.
are you serious. wow. Im trying to get my wife to watch the original series movies on blu ray. she said she doesnt like original series star trek. Im thinking therapy may be useless.
are you serious. wow. Im trying to get my wife to watch the original series movies on blu ray. she said she doesnt like original series star trek. Im thinking therapy may be useless.
I refuse to watch any Star Trek, because I'm scared that I will like it. Then I will become obsessed, start wearing skin tight clothing, learn to speak Klingon, go to conventions, leave my wife for a girl who calls me "Captain Kirk"... it's all downhill from there.
I used to watch Star Trek as a kid, never really got into it though. Nothing space oriented ever came close to Star Wars.