For those who don't know about the extreme levels of fuckery going on in Alberta read this thread.
That sounds like Eric Idle or Michael Palin playing a 60's British housewife trying to sing.
Whatever you do.... DON'T TURN UP the volume so your dogs can hear this. If you do your dog might kill you.
Yes, when your kid is in intensive care you pretty much can't do anything but "stand by them".
Part Deux....
This isn't gouging, and while oil's gone down a bit in the last three weeks that isn't how the oil markets work and Biden knows that.
Yeah good luck with that one.
Exactly, my comment was sarcasm. The demand went through the roof and the Oil producers really can't/won't work faster. When reserves build up the prices will go down.This isn't gouging, and while oil's gone down a bit in the last three weeks that isn't how the oil markets work and Biden knows that.
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The bigger problem is the lack of supply, particularly stateside. Wells shut down during the pandemic and turning them back on has been tough. OPEC's in no mood to help.
Yeah, prices varied up to 10 cents per gallon from place to place around here. Then on Monday morning they were all exactly the same no matter the station.Still, there is plenty of price collusion in the industry. Prices at the pumps will jump 20c overnight at the slight hint in crude prices rising, yet even when the prices drop in crude as fast as they rose (or even faster), it takes weeks for the pump prices to trickle down to even close to pre-bump levels.
Yep, all politics in the end to make one party look good and the other look bad.^What's really happening is Republican talking points about gas prices (and, as a side note, pipeline cancellations) are making a dent in the polls and Biden's team have concluded that talking about gauging is the easier approach to combating it than just pointing out the reality. They're probably right, sadly.