Lot harder to count the money than it is the the rings.The average length of a MLB baseball game is 2 hours 55 minutes.....non stop......no half time breaks
no cheerleaders.....And as it sits, scoring is going to be tougher and tougher......Starting pitchers pitch 6 or 7 innings, and then three specialists finish the game. Americans and MLB want more scoring, but they want shorter games.....They want instant replay, but they want shorter games. Maybe, it's the sport itself........TV ratings in some markets, are almost non existent. And pro players want to brand baseball.......gee what an idea...
Here's some branding;
1. Giancarlo Stanton, $325,000,000 (2015-27)
2. Alex Rodriguez, $275,000,000 (2008-17)
3. Alex Rodriguez, $252,000,000 (2001-10)
4. Miguel Cabrera, $248,000,000 (2016-23)
5. Albert Pujols, $240,000,000 (2012-21)
… Robinson Cano, $240,000,000 (2014-23)
7. Joey Votto, $225,000,000 (2014-23)
8. David Price, $217,000,000 (2016-22)
9. Clayton Kershaw, $215,000,000 (2014-20)
10. Prince Fielder, $214,000,000 (2012-20)
11. Max Scherzer, $210,000,000 (2015-21)
12. Zack Greinke, $206,500,000 (2016-21)
and those salaries don't include endorsements.....
and bleacher seats at some CUB games are $100 a piece
D'You get that buttmunch to block us yet?