Suck My Brine
This has no meaning ... but I've been laughing at it for like 20 minutes trying to find a way to use it (there is none)

LMAO @ "celebration"
"did you guys here that cano rumor...sounds kind of sketchy..."
...and yankee fans tear ducts are working overtime still....
Well what are you going to do? It's his coping mechanism. You also already knew that about him, so not sure why this is outrage worthy.
No outrage... We're laughing at them
Like I care if Maddux was the modern day Gaylord Perry. LOL he was making roided up guys he was facing look like little leaguers. And game 6 of the 95 series I'm happy Glavine was rubbing vasoline on his left hand.
And unluckily for you and Ortiz, he's never getting into the HOF
That last pic was for you too ... take your iphone to the bathroom
She's fucking hot. And fucking jailbait. Can't believe they cancelled that show. Where are all of us perves supposed to go now to gawk at hot 19 year olds and pretend that we're not?
as much mad respect I have for the epic would this place be if Mo was ever found guilty of steroids or HGH?
GD tried to argue how bad that would be for baseball........maybe
but the backtracking and excuse making and spinning in here would be epic
Sure thats how it went!
This where you claim a 90 win season is terrible...and I laugh at you...
I could also use your methodology of not counting the guys who were hurt and traded last year against their payroll....probably around 70m or so by the end of last season...
for you? Manny Machado
No, I'm whining because it seems to be the only language you speak and understand.
Yeah 2011 was a horrible disaster
Whats the Yankees current roster making?
Pretty much...I don't remember any "celebrations" what i remember is pretty much unanimous agreement that it was a weak as fuck rumor...and the only credibility it had was he outed Melky the year before..
I actually specifically remember posing a question along the line of "how much crap has this guy thrown against the wall...did he out just Melky, or did he out 100 names and get one right"
And you agreed with me.
Today, because you're angry? "Celebration"![]()
This has no meaning ... but I've been laughing at it for like 20 minutes trying to find a way to use it (there is none)
Everytime Dirt ignores posts that he has no response for...
I'm all like this..