Active Member
Noting that there is a difference between Phobia and Hate is defending Hate?
are you pretending he didn't say it or are you pretending that's not a bigoted term?
Noting that there is a difference between Phobia and Hate is defending Hate?
You could easily say "I don't believe in that behavior, but they're not harming me, so let them do what they may..."
Instead, you insist on parading around your "cocksucking fags" lingo...
And the naturality cop-out goes up in smoke by your relentless refusal to discuss any of the dozen different "unnatural" heterosexual practices I've listed for you time and again.
You're a bigot... If you're man enough to throw around your mean words about them. Be man enough to own it. That's all I'm saying.
You're trying to tapdance with your "unnatural" bullshit... But you're not fooling anybody.
You hate a massive group of human beings... because of what they choose to do in their private lives. Nothing more.
Ah sigh...
"Heterosexuals do unnatural things, so homosexuality must be natural"
"You're a hater....drinking haterade"
That's the sum total of your argument, compared to mine, which biologically speaking, is irrefutable.
Again, shut the fuck up, and take your bullshit some place where they also pretend that elementary level biology is voodoo.
mind showing us these "laws"?
right before you tell us why you keep bringing up something you "don't care" about
are you pretending he didn't say it or are you pretending that's not a bigoted term?
Don't think everyone didn't notice your failure to post all of these laws of nature you keep mentioning but fail to provide
and subsequently your lack of a reason for caring whether or not it is natural so much that you bring it up everyday for 10 days
its exactly what you implied...The only thing I did was mock red sox fans for humping one month of if I "took the fun out of it" there's only one logical conclusion as to what the "fun" is...stop being bitter that your team lost another game...its called "correction"
Ah sigh...
"Heterosexuals do unnatural things, so homosexuality must be natural"
"You're a hater....drinking haterade"
That's the sum total of your argument, compared to mine, which biologically speaking, is irrefutable.
Again, shut the fuck up, and take your bullshit some place where they also pretend that elementary level biology is voodoo.
So every time anyone says the word fag. They are a bigot now?
I implied it you and put in quotes?....You imply something, I said you said it you go nuts...
you wonder why not many here like you lol
Because unlike you, I don't make claims and then run from their meanings...I care because I think it makes people like you look stupid...You make the claims and then whine about it for 10 days because you "don't care"
"Even though the Sox had the best record you're an idiot for implying they're the best team'
In the context of defending hating gay people? Uh yeah
Wow. You're fucking awesome.
What a man!
Uno everybody!!!!
He doesn't make claims and runs from them.
He cares because because talking about faggots makes people look stupid!
A role model! A hero! Men want to be him! Women want to be with him!
Strive to be....UNO!!!!
Fucking idiot. saying there is a difference between Phobia and Hate.
"Defending it"?
I asked for "laws" not an explanation as to why pregnancy is natural
what's the matter? Can't find anything?