yet you managed to write a book about it.
link was posted yesterday
you = uno's lapdog
No worries...UNO and I may root for the same team but trust me, all of us get enough of the "link or leave crap" and debating non issues for two weeks.
I know I am not everyone's favorite but I hope I am not nails on a chalk board
Francis admits mistake, and apologises.
What would Uno have done? :rollseyes:
Chris motha fuckn Davis
He is.
Black = Gay
At least that's what I've heard.
Francis lies about something and bitches about it for 2 weeks
Roids to help his eyes/Hand Eye coordination. Squaring up on the Ball. To hit for a higher average.. Sure
He has always had that raw power...that's nothing new.
He's lasted a lot longer in managing than I ever thought he would.
prove its been two weeks or leave the board forever
just trying to get you to admit to lying about it and bitching about it...mission: accomplished
link to me admitting something I didnt do, it or leave the board forever
If it didn't happen, it couldn't have happened for two only argued that it wasn't two weeks...therefore implying that it did in fact happen...just not for two weeks...therefore, mission: are my bitch