What exactly is he "upset" about?
you said replace "fag with *****"
black = fag
so you are saying 2+3=5, but 3+2 doesnt
Well this thread has certainly taken a turn for the worse...
as long as I get mine, it doesn't matter
remember when you said i was the one who couldnt let it go?
remember when i said im too high to be angry, and uno spent weeks digging up psychological counterpoints to that argument?
I hate to get in the middle of this shit fest but... clearly what he was doing was saying
"imagine how awful that would sound if you replace the word "Fag" with "*****" and how Un PC that would sound. It was a typical debate tactic - and why are you two fighting about it two weeks later.
There were some posters here that compared coming out as gay to "coming out" as black - that is just stupid!
When you go for a job interview or sit on the bus, nobody knows your sexual preference unless you want them to know
Please stop!!!!!
post or leave
link or leave
uno, youre a REAL asshole...making fun of a guys wife like that?
i honestly DO feel bad for you right now
youre a real piece of human shit