Before that dirty bastard Cooke ended Savards career the Bruins PP was 6th in the league. (changed to bastard so lilbiz don't run around using the C word )
Fucking Cooke.
Has Savy officially retired? Love to see an the Ottawa kid play again.
Fucking Cooke.
Has Savy officially retired? Love to see a good Ottawa kid play again.
Lilbizz mojo
Can't fuck with it.
Don't know what you mean. The Flyers lost today
That's because lilbizz wore his Rangers jersey to stick and puck today. See, its all related.
At least Carolina ain't pulling a Pens act and packing it in for the 1st pick, although maybe they should.
Shit no
Can't afford to sign a first pick.
I take it you haven't told him their record this season huh?