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Braun suspended rest of season (whoopedy doo) and Rays cut lead to .5 game


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Dirt will allow comparisons of Pedroia to Eduardo Nunez. But he'd like you to remember Nunez still hasn't reached his potential while Pedroia is just short.

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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pretty good read, too long to post:

5 Cities Abandoned By Professional Sports - TheStreet
5 Cities Abandoned By Professional Sports

BY Jason Notte | 07/22/13 - 03:28 PM EDT

Comment 2

See what Jim Cramer and Stephanie Link are trading today.
PORTLAND, Ore. (TheStreet) -- A professional sports franchise isn't a right, as money-hungry owners and cash-strapped cities are all too aware.

Since 2000, six franchises from Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association and the National Hockey League have pulled up stakes and switched towns. While baseball's Montreal Expos jumped to Washington in 2005 and the NHL's Atlanta Thrashers left for Winnipeg in 2011, the NBA has seen the Vancouver Grizzlies flee to Memphis in 2001, the Charlotte Hornets break for New Orleans in 2002, the Seattle Supersonics slip off to Oklahoma City in 2008 and the New Jersey Nets pay a few tolls on the way to Brooklyn in 2011.
Meanwhile, for every town that has a faltering franchise, there's another with an empty or somewhat-empty building waiting to steal a pro team away. From Toronto trying on the NFL's Buffalo Bills once a season to Quebec building the NHL a giant safety net for one of its southern franchises, there's always a town looking for some more television time and potential revenue. Even Kansas City hasn't been picky about potential residents for its vacant Sprint Center, auditioning fumbling franchises from both the NHL and NBA for the position. What well-funded investors in Seattle made very clear during their pursuit of the Sacramento Kings earlier this year, meanwhile, is that fans in Salt Lake City, New Orleans, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Phoenix and Portland, Ore., shouldn't take their professional teams for granted.
After all, they could end up with nothing. It's happened before, and there are more than a few former big-league towns in North America that can vouch for the fact that it can happen again. We combed through the heavily lined map of sports franchise moves and came up with five vacant towns that once played with the big boys:

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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Never said by anyone but you claiming Yankee fans said it

It's what you do with Jeter

MPL said it (god rest his poor soul)

kyhser did too


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Dirt will allow comparisons of Pedroia to Eduardo Nunez. But he'd like you to remember Nunez still hasn't reached his potential while Pedroia is just short.


You really do suck

Mike Oxlodge

I'm better looking than U
Apr 17, 2013
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Never said by anyone but you claiming Yankee fans said it

It's what you do with Jeter

Ummm yeah OK. Not you, but plenty of morons used to say it on CBS, like GD is Bald. MY favorite GDism, "They pitch Jeter differently than any other hitter". I'm wondering if half you die-hards even watch the Yankees. And outside of the internet, I got a gross full of friends who anoint Jeter the holy slap hitter of heaven.

"He'll break Rose's record no problem"

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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Attention dirt! see?

Clay Buchholz to resume throwing

Updated: July 22, 2013, 6:23 PM ET
By Tony Lee | Special to ESPNBoston.com

BOSTON -- Boston Red Sox All-Star starter Clay Buchholz will continue a throwing program after receiving a second opinion from noted orthopedist Dr. James Andrews on Monday.
Andrews confirmed the team's original diagnosis of inflammation in Buchholz's collarbone area. Following weeks of uncertainty over what was causing the discomfort, the right-hander can press forward with the knowledge that there is no risk of greater damage.
"I think he's got more of an understanding of what he's experienced in the progression and the throwing he's done to date since being put on the DL," Red Sox manager John Farrell said. "I think that assurance of [knowing] the discomfort he's feeling is not injury-related -- it's more about getting back into game shape -- I would think there would be more of a readiness on his part to push through that."

Buchholz has not pitched since June 8. He missed a turn in the rotation near the end of May but returned to win two straight starts before being shelved.
The Red Sox initially waited to place him on the disabled list before finally electing to do so on June 18, and repeated attempts to increase the intensity of the rehab have met roadblocks. The most recent one came on Boston's West Coast trip just before the All-Star break, when Buchholz had to cut short a bullpen session in Oakland after experiencing more pain.
If and when that pain resurfaces, Buchholz can treat it and continue on rather than take more time off and hope the pain subsides, Farrell said.
"Most importantly, Clay comes back with a little bit more peace of mind and he'll continue on the throwing program with what's already been put in place," Farrell said. "Coming off a good day of throwing yesterday out to 100 feet with greater intensity. He's traveling back here tonight, so back at the park tomorrow.
"Dr. Andrews relayed to him he's going to feel, at times, some stiffness or discomfort just by virtue of getting back in pitching shape. [Andrews] felt as [Buchholz] ramps back up, he's going to experience some of those but it's not -- the root of it -- is not because of an injury. It's more of just reconditioning and getting the throwing arm back in shape."
Farrell could not offer any sort of timetable for Buchholz's return. The righty will continue with long toss, moving out to 120 feet, before getting back on the mound for what should amount to three bullpen sessions. Provided those go well, Buchholz is expected to take part in a simulated game, then head to the minors for at least one rehab start.
Given the days off between each of those stages, it figures to be well into August before Buchholz will be able to return to the major league roster.
The 28-year-old was on a roll before the physical issue popped up. He is 9-0 with a 1.71 ERA while limiting opponents to a .195 average.

the lesson? not every trip to dr andrews is a surgery in the making

Mike Oxlodge

I'm better looking than U
Apr 17, 2013
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39 years old, hardware in his ankle, busted up Quad, but he'll still play SS. Either the Yankees front office are morons or they have no balls to tell "The Captain" its time for change.


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Anyone interested in my opinion of Bill Russell or Robert Kraft?


Resident Libertarian
Apr 17, 2013
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on the other hand, the racist "st johns redmen" was dropped years ago


redmen is the same as redskin, and not close to using a tribes NAME a la seminoles

redmen is gone, so should redskins (a name glorifying the skin color rather than a tribe)...if consistency is the name of the game

NCAA hockey fans will remember the fighting sioux had to change their name, and that wss a tribe name like the seminoles...my thinking is the "fighting" part was offensive

I'm part french...can I be offended by the term "frogs" in TCU's team name? "Horned Frogs"?

Sorry, I'm just done being forced to be PC towards groups that far more often than not, are not held to the same standards...and are often far more racist in nature than I am...


Resident Libertarian
Apr 17, 2013
Rhode Island
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39 years old, hardware in his ankle, busted up Quad, but he'll still play SS. Either the Yankees front office are morons or they have no balls to tell "The Captain" its time for change.

Option C: They're hoping he destroys the ankle again, quickly, so they can finally put him out to pasture...


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The only Jeter Rose thing I've said

If Jeter wanted to drag his broken ass out there till 45 like Pete, being virtually useless for a good part of his last 6 or 7 years, he would have a shot of course

But he'd also need a team to allow him to do that


Brock wears female undies
Apr 16, 2013
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Never said by anyone but you claiming Yankee fans said it

It's what you do with Jeter

there was some speculation about Jeter getting to 4000 hits in here

not here......the other here

as for Pedroia, he's on track for HOF at his position but way too soon

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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I'm part french...can I be offended by the term "frogs" in TCU's team name? "Horned Frogs"?

Sorry, I'm just done being forced to be PC towards groups that far more often than not, are not held to the same standards...and are often far more racist in nature than I am...




silly argument man, really :yahoo:



Brock wears female undies
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Attention dirt! see?

Clay Buchholz to resume throwing

Updated: July 22, 2013, 6:23 PM ET
By Tony Lee | Special to ESPNBoston.com

BOSTON -- Boston Red Sox All-Star starter Clay Buchholz will continue a throwing program after receiving a second opinion from noted orthopedist Dr. James Andrews on Monday.
Andrews confirmed the team's original diagnosis of inflammation in Buchholz's collarbone area. Following weeks of uncertainty over what was causing the discomfort, the right-hander can press forward with the knowledge that there is no risk of greater damage.
"I think he's got more of an understanding of what he's experienced in the progression and the throwing he's done to date since being put on the DL," Red Sox manager John Farrell said. "I think that assurance of [knowing] the discomfort he's feeling is not injury-related -- it's more about getting back into game shape -- I would think there would be more of a readiness on his part to push through that."

Buchholz has not pitched since June 8. He missed a turn in the rotation near the end of May but returned to win two straight starts before being shelved.
The Red Sox initially waited to place him on the disabled list before finally electing to do so on June 18, and repeated attempts to increase the intensity of the rehab have met roadblocks. The most recent one came on Boston's West Coast trip just before the All-Star break, when Buchholz had to cut short a bullpen session in Oakland after experiencing more pain.
If and when that pain resurfaces, Buchholz can treat it and continue on rather than take more time off and hope the pain subsides, Farrell said.
"Most importantly, Clay comes back with a little bit more peace of mind and he'll continue on the throwing program with what's already been put in place," Farrell said. "Coming off a good day of throwing yesterday out to 100 feet with greater intensity. He's traveling back here tonight, so back at the park tomorrow.
"Dr. Andrews relayed to him he's going to feel, at times, some stiffness or discomfort just by virtue of getting back in pitching shape. [Andrews] felt as [Buchholz] ramps back up, he's going to experience some of those but it's not -- the root of it -- is not because of an injury. It's more of just reconditioning and getting the throwing arm back in shape."
Farrell could not offer any sort of timetable for Buchholz's return. The righty will continue with long toss, moving out to 120 feet, before getting back on the mound for what should amount to three bullpen sessions. Provided those go well, Buchholz is expected to take part in a simulated game, then head to the minors for at least one rehab start.
Given the days off between each of those stages, it figures to be well into August before Buchholz will be able to return to the major league roster.
The 28-year-old was on a roll before the physical issue popped up. He is 9-0 with a 1.71 ERA while limiting opponents to a .195 average.

the lesson? not every trip to dr andrews is a surgery in the making

keep clay but he's a pussy

trade lester


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39 years old, hardware in his ankle, busted up Quad, but he'll still play SS. Either the Yankees front office are morons or they have no balls to tell "The Captain" its time for change.

He DHd his first game back

How do you explain that if he's calling the shots?

Rock Strongo

My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
Apr 17, 2013
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keep clay but he's a pussy

trade lester

ship lester out, im fine with that

clay is destined to be a 150-175 tops IP guy until he starts to learn to pitch thru shit, like hes now going to do knowing it isnt structural damage hes feeling