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Brady 196 yards after catch

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Feb 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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So he threw 50 times and only had 132 aerial yards? That's, what, 2.64 aerial yards per attempt? LOL. How is this guy the MVP of the game? His receivers' ability to elude previously-injured Seattle defenders is what provided the offense.

The turf that tore up Kam's knee was the MVP.
The GB Packer who ran the play that ET hurt his shoulder on was the MVP.
Julian Edelman, with 70% of his yards after catch, was the MVP.
New england's offensive coordinator, who could do no wrong for the first 30 minutes and last 10 minutes, was the MVP.

I mean, the Brady dude literally backed into a victory. It will not be remembered as a game the Patriots won, it will be remembered as a game Seattle lost. Seriously, five years from now people will be saying, "who was that team Seattle was playing when they blew the superbowl in '15?

Brady? Nice game manager. Not a dominant player and certainly not the MVP of that game.

Been thinking about this for awhile but waited to post it. I wanted to let the anger of the fan base simmer down for a bit so I could get reaction and responses that are less driven by emotion and more driven by logic.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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So he threw 50 times and only had 132 aerial yards? That's, what, 2.64 aerial yards per attempt? LOL. How is this guy the MVP of the game? His receivers' ability to elude previously-injured Seattle defenders is what provided the offense.

The turf that tore up Kam's knee was the MVP.
The GB Packer who ran the play that ET hurt his shoulder on was the MVP.
Julian Edelman, with 70% of his yards after catch, was the MVP.
New england's offensive coordinator, who could do no wrong for the first 30 minutes and last 10 minutes, was the MVP.

I mean, the Brady dude literally backed into a victory. It will not be remembered as a game the Patriots won, it will be remembered as a game Seattle lost. Seriously, five years from now people will be saying, "who was that team Seattle was playing when they blew the superbowl in '15?

Brady? Nice game manager. Not a dominant player and certainly not the MVP of that game.

Been thinking about this for awhile but waited to post it. I wanted to let the anger of the fan base simmer down for a bit so I could get reaction and responses that are less driven by emotion and more driven by logic.

When in doubt, give it to the QB. I didn't think Eli deserved his MVP;s either. Justin Tuck should have gotten the one in 2007. For the record I would have gone with Edelman


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He was the only player on the entire field who was a liability. He was atrocious. There's a local HS QB who could have been much more efficient than Brady at his 3-yd dumpoffs to the slot.

Honestly, it's laughable.


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Aug 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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When in doubt, give it to the QB. I didn't think Eli deserved his MVP;s either. Justin Tuck should have gotten the one in 2007. For the record I would have gone with Edelman

This. I would have probably gone with Edleman as well, since you can't give it to McDaniels, but to supplant a QB as SB MVP you have to have a truly outstanding showing.

It is what it is. I'm sure SB history is littered with QB MVPs who probably shouldn't have won it.


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Apr 18, 2013
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I agree that he shouldn't have gotten it, but I would also add that a non QB won it last year and I don't think Malcom Smith was anything more than in the right place at the right time all game. Kam should have gotten it last year, and ultimately I think whoever makes the decision already had a Seahawk winning it this year. It was a quick re-route, and Brady was the easiest at that point without having to dig too far into it.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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This. I would have probably gone with Edleman as well, since you can't give it to McDaniels, but to supplant a QB as SB MVP you have to have a truly outstanding showing.

It is what it is. I'm sure SB history is littered with QB MVPs who probably shouldn't have won it.

I've already forgotten, who got it for the Hawks last year?


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So he threw 50 times and only had 132 aerial yards? That's, what, 2.64 aerial yards per attempt? LOL. How is this guy the MVP of the game? His receivers' ability to elude previously-injured Seattle defenders is what provided the offense.

The turf that tore up Kam's knee was the MVP.
The GB Packer who ran the play that ET hurt his shoulder on was the MVP.
Julian Edelman, with 70% of his yards after catch, was the MVP.
New england's offensive coordinator, who could do no wrong for the first 30 minutes and last 10 minutes, was the MVP.

I mean, the Brady dude literally backed into a victory. It will not be remembered as a game the Patriots won, it will be remembered as a game Seattle lost. Seriously, five years from now people will be saying, "who was that team Seattle was playing when they blew the superbowl in '15?

Brady? Nice game manager. Not a dominant player and certainly not the MVP of that game.

Been thinking about this for awhile but waited to post it. I wanted to let the anger of the fan base simmer down for a bit so I could get reaction and responses that are less driven by emotion and more driven by logic.

Awful post full of sour grapes. Get a life and move on with it.

2013 YAC leader: Demaryius Thomas, the WR for the guy Hammer thinks about when he doggies his gf, Peyton Manning.

Yards after the Catch (YAC): 2013 NFL Season

2014 YAC stats - Aaron Rodgers has 2 WRs in the top 10

Yards after the Catch (YAC): 2014 NFL Season

It takes a great QB to see where his receivers will be going after the catch, and it takes a real fan of the game to understand exactly what they're watching.

Unless Rodgers and Peyton are system QBs too.


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Jan 16, 2012
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As an outsider looking in Brady most definitely deserved the MVP, you dont attack Seattle with huge chunk plays they are built to stop that, you have to dink and dunk and attack the weak spots in their zone scheme, Brady was surgical he did exactly what the coaching staff asked him to do and executed their game plan to a T.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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As an outsider looking in Brady most definitely deserved the MVP, you dont attack Seattle with huge chunk plays they are built to stop that, you have to dink and dunk and attack the weak spots in their zone scheme, Brady was surgical he did exactly what the coaching staff asked him to do and executed their game plan to a T.

I'm not saying Brady was bad at all, I just thought Edelman made some huge plays after the catch and should have gotten it. EVerytime they seemed to have the Pats stopped he would make a 3rd down catch and move the chains.


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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As an outsider looking in Brady most definitely deserved the MVP, you dont attack Seattle with huge chunk plays they are built to stop that, you have to dink and dunk and attack the weak spots in their zone scheme, Brady was surgical he did exactly what the coaching staff asked him to do and executed their game plan to a T.

Obviously a student and fan of the WCO appreciates the Pats game.

The OP probably just starting watching football once RW became good and has no one around to teach him the game.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Those pesky little WRs on New England made plays. But honestly, that wasn't the Seattle D I'd seen for the past 2 years. The Seattle D I'm used to seeing punishes any WR after a short catch and they get 5 yards max. Lots of injuries on that Seattle D.

Brady got rid of the ball quick. When he didn't and actually felt pressure, he threw INTs. Good game plan and some luck on the Pats side. Pretty good game tho.


Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Those pesky little WRs on New England made plays. But honestly, that wasn't the Seattle D I'd seen for the past 2 years. The Seattle D I'm used to seeing punishes any WR after a short catch and they get 5 yards max. Lots of injuries on that Seattle D.

Brady got rid of the ball quick. When he didn't and actually felt pressure, he threw INTs. Good game plan and some luck on the Pats side. Pretty good game tho.

Yep. The usual Seahawk swagger was missing, possibly connected to Sherman's injury and his own low self confidence going into the game. His attitude fuels that defense and it was AWOL for that SB. Maybe he had his mind on his new kid or his injury, but his head wasn't in it and it showed all leading up to the big game. End result was Brady orchestrating the GOAT comeback against this amazing D. That's why he won the MVP.


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Those pesky little WRs on New England made plays. But honestly, that wasn't the Seattle D I'd seen for the past 2 years. The Seattle D I'm used to seeing punishes any WR after a short catch and they get 5 yards max. Lots of injuries on that Seattle D.

Brady got rid of the ball quick. When he didn't and actually felt pressure, he threw INTs. Good game plan and some luck on the Pats side. Pretty good game tho.

Lets not forget the Hawks lost a couple of key D guys early in the game and a couple others were playing hurt.

I agree on the good game part. But that's always the case in the Pats/Brady SB's. 4 of them were 3 point games and the other 2 were 4 point games.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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It was pretty obvious when they lost Lane after he tried to return that INT out of his own end zone, the Pats picked on the Seattle #4 CB the rest of the way.

It's part of the game.

Sherman had elbow issues, Thomas was playing with 1 arm too, Kam was gimpy.. Irvin went out. Lane went out. It is what it is


Jul 15, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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It was pretty obvious when they lost Lane after he tried to return that INT out of his own end zone, the Pats picked on the Seattle #4 CB the rest of the way.

It's part of the game.

Sherman had elbow issues, Thomas was playing with 1 arm too, Kam was gimpy.. Irvin went out. Lane went out. It is what it is

I guess that's actually a plus for Brady now that I think about it. He saw the weakness and exploited it.


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Aug 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Lets not forget the Hawks lost a couple of key D guys early in the game and a couple others were playing hurt.

That can't be overlooked. Simon was getting his lunch eaten out there. He's a big dude who struggles against smaller guys. Shoulda, woulda, coulda, but it's hard to imagine Lane having as much trouble.


Do Your Job!
Jul 3, 2013
Out of the desert!
Hoopla Cash
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I expected Edelman to get the MVP.

Brady did what he had to, to win.
I have heard the argument many times that's all he could do is (fill in the blank)
The thought that a QB on any team should prove himself by doing what will not work is not good thinking.
Against a good defense like Seattle, there were limited game-plans that would work.
NE chose the winning game-plan and Brady made it work.
MVP? No, QB dominated league.....

Hank Kingsley

Jun 27, 2014
Port Alberni, B.C.
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2 incompletions against "THE BEST DEFENSE IN FOOTBALL" (or so I've heard) in the entire 4th quarter, scoring 2 TDs on time consuming drives.

They backed into that one alright...


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Dec 21, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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As an outsider looking in Brady most definitely deserved the MVP, you dont attack Seattle with huge chunk plays they are built to stop that, you have to dink and dunk and attack the weak spots in their zone scheme, Brady was surgical he did exactly what the coaching staff asked him to do and executed their game plan to a T.

Translation: Brady made a bunch of 3-yrd dumps to the slot. When anyone else in the universe does that, they're inept, when Brady does it, he's "surgical."

LOL @ Tom Brady's 132 yard Super Bowl MVP.

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