I'm So High Right Now

List of NHL mascots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Al the Octopus is the eight legged mascot of the Detroit Red Wings. It is also the only mascot that is not costumed. In 1952, when east side fish merchants Pete and Jerry Cusimano threw a real octopus onto the Olympia arena ice, the eight legs represented the eight victories needed to secure a Stanley Cup in those six-team days. Since then, fans throw an octopus onto the ice for good luck. In one game in the 1995 Playoffs, fans threw forty-five onto the ice. Arena Manager and Zamboni driver Al Sobotka ceremoniously scoops them up and whirls them over his head, and play continues. NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman forbade Sobotka from doing so during the 2008 playoffs, claiming that debris flew off the octopuses and onto the ice. Sobotka and the Red Wings have denied that this occurs, but even so Sobotka acquiesced and now twirls the octopuses once he departs the ice. In 2011 the NHL forbade fans from throwing any octopuses on the ice, penalizing all violators with a $500 fine. This has led to local outcry at the seemingly intentional destruction of a classic tradition. Red Wing's forward Johan Franzen has pledged to pay any and all fines as an attempt to continue the tradition.
That is awesome.
yep, dboy just cemented his name firmly on the list.![]()
It's game day, so grab you jock (if you need it).
Modesty prevents me from saying (well, actually it doesn't) that there are some damn fine posters on higgy`s list.
Jurco out, Bert in. Sherbert will be thrilled.
Henrik Zetterberg penciled into Detroit Red Wings' lineup for Game 4 tonight | Detroit Free Press | freep.com
We have uncovered higgy's true identity.