Bossman you'll be missed

Now I can see why there was no call. At first it looked like a head shot, but Smith did hit his head hard into the glass, yikes.
I thought that was McCarty but I might have missed a few of Probert's earlier fights.
I didn't see who went into Howard though. There was a pile. I thought 'probably, Marchand.'
DeKeyser heads to the locker room for his testicular massage from the team doctor.
I'm not watching anymore of this game. I can't stand the Bruins. They are a disgusting organization filled with garbage players and their overly homerific fans won't like anything i have to say.
Y'all have a nice afternoon.
I'm not watching anymore of this game. I can't stand the Bruins. They are a disgusting organization filled with garbage players and their overly homerific fans won't like anything i have to say.
Y'all have a nice afternoon.
That was a dirty hit by Franzen...