Only with Bologna, Driven.
I use white bread, and it needs to be fresh. Put the potoato chips on top of the bologna with a bit of mayo... squash that sucker down until the whole kit is paper thin.
Good stuff.
It doesn't matter because you "never said" anything you were proven to be wrong about anyway.
and you did
Never heard from you again about it until he went down
You disappearing when your team sucks is like heatwave predicting a win for the blue jays
Bullshit! I was on you all last Summer reminding you how much Nova sucked. He still does. are the LAST person on the planet who thinks the Red Sox were the losers in that trade. I guess that means you are right.
Anyone see this? That Frenchy...such a jokester...
no, you were on me when he sucked...when his stats started normalizing like I said they would, you disappeared...shockingly
so you're going to bump things I already responded to and proved wrong? Cool...I'd do that for you, but you fail to respond to basically everything I say and you haven't proven anyone wrong in 6 years
I posted it yesterday asshole!
Yeah, they "normalized" from a guy who needed to get sent to AA to a guy who needed to get sent to AAA. Just admit you were wrong about him last year. It's OK.
Proved me wrong? Who else still thinks the Dodgers won the trade?? Other than you, I mean....
how many people is uno fighting today?