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Boiling Over


Sep 2, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Frustrated Vick: 'Over my dead body' - NFL - Yahoo! Sports

Across the hallway, San Francisco tight end Vernon Davis(notes) was talking about something he recently read in a book, about how water boils at 212 degrees and how that water can be at 211 degrees yet the moment it hits 212 it begins to bubble and pop.

“With that one extra degree it gets to 212 and it makes steam and with steam you can move a train,” he said.

A powerful commentary to what 49er fans everywhere should take note:
This isn't yesterdays 49ers. This isn't last year's 49ers. I don't know what will happen next week and I sure don't know how we'll finish this year. But one thing I do know is that this team has found the extra gear it takes to win big games. In the NBA it's what separates #1 seeded teams from championship teams. In the second half, the 49ers showed the Dream Team what that extra level is and appropriately hit them in the mouth with a sledgehammer.
The media may not notice now but I guarantee you that the league has taken notice and that 49er fans everywhere should be proud at what is being built here by Harbaugh and company.
I for one am proud to be a Niner fan and excited to see this team play every week!

"Who's got it better than us?"