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Blitzing in the Super Bowl


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,184.88
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We're not a team that blitzes often. I can't honestly tell you the last time I saw us send more than 5 guys at the QB.

But this is the Super Bowl. We have one shot at a title. I think we need to dial up a blitz or two and if we connect with one it could be huge. I realize Peyton is the guy who can take advantage of this, but the fact that we don't do it often could mean it comes out of nowhere and we have a shot at tricking the master of reading defenses.

I'd love to see an early shot at Peyton with a blitz. Either get to him and sack him, maybe a fumble, hell maybe an errant pass that gets picked. Either way, we need to make him uncomfortable early.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
Hoopla Cash
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We'll casino blitz the statue of Omaha on a few plays if there is blood in the water. But given how naturally nasty our pass rush is with weapons like Irvin, Bennett, and Avril, you don't have to go to all in casino blitzs on every series. Those boys will be disrupting Omaha plenty.

Think McFly Think

Unaware and Oblivious Member
Aug 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Your guys' secondary has the ability to disrupt timing of receivers more than any defense that the Broncos have faced, save the pre-season when you faced them. That being said, this should be a great game, and I apologize for bombarding your Seahawks board.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
Hoopla Cash
$ 11,798.00
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Your guys' secondary has the ability to disrupt timing of receivers more than any defense that the Broncos have faced, save the pre-season when you faced them. That being said, this should be a great game, and I apologize for bombarding your Seahawks board.

We welcome fans from other teams over here as long as it's not sociopath trolling. If it's constructive criticism, we can handle it. Can even trash talk us in our smack talk thread. Post away. This isn't the 9ers board.

It is going to be a great Super Bowl, no doubt.


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,184.88
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Your guys' secondary has the ability to disrupt timing of receivers more than any defense that the Broncos have faced, save the pre-season when you faced them. That being said, this should be a great game, and I apologize for bombarding your Seahawks board.
You're welcome to post if you provide more than "Lolz u guise sucks."

We actually like other teams' posters to talk football here unlike other boards.


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,184.88
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
We welcome fans from other teams over here as long as it's not sociopath trolling. If it's constructive criticism, we can handle it. Can even trash talk us in our smack talk thread. Post away. This isn't the 9ers board.

You're welcome to post if you provide more than "Lolz u guise sucks."

We actually like other teams' posters to talk football here unlike other boards.

Think McFly Think

Unaware and Oblivious Member
Aug 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 6,000.00
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Well, how do you guys feel about your offense? Your O-Line might have a few questions to answer, namely Knighton who has proved himself as a definite threat from last week. It's freaking awesome that you guys have Harvin back not just because there's essentially null tape on him but also it might expand said questionable offense. Am I wrong to say that some of your primary concerns are on offense; Lynch is a beast and nobody can deny that, but can you ride his rails to the Lombardi Trophy?


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,184.88
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Well, how do you guys feel about your offense? Your O-Line might have a few questions to answer, namely Knighton who has proved himself as a definite threat from last week. It's freaking awesome that you guys have Harvin back not just because there's essentially null tape on him but also it might expand said questionable offense. Am I wrong to say that some of your primary concerns are on offense; Lynch is a beast and nobody can deny that, but can you ride his rails to the Lombardi Trophy?
Yeah the O-Line needs to work better on pass protection. That is definitely our weak link. I do think though that even if Knighton gets through, Russell can outrun Porkchop and make an explosive play or two. Denver's D is not nearly as fast as SF's is.

Can we rely on Lynch to win us a trophy? Yes. Obviously every team needs contributions from both passing and running the ball to win, but we've been relying on Lynch all season long and we're 15-3.

Harvin is going to be a big spark if he can avoid another freak concussion or other injury for this game. He automatically makes our "average" :-)rollseyes:) receiving core potent. I think the casual fans around the country are going to be in for a surprise after hearing how inept the Seattle offense is for 2 weeks.


Padded cells optional
Apr 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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We're not a team that blitzes often. I can't honestly tell you the last time I saw us send more than 5 guys at the QB.

But this is the Super Bowl. We have one shot at a title. I think we need to dial up a blitz or two and if we connect with one it could be huge. I realize Peyton is the guy who can take advantage of this, but the fact that we don't do it often could mean it comes out of nowhere and we have a shot at tricking the master of reading defenses.

I'd love to see an early shot at Peyton with a blitz. Either get to him and sack him, maybe a fumble, hell maybe an errant pass that gets picked. Either way, we need to make him uncomfortable early.

In my honest opinion, I think you should dance with who you brought to the dance.... forget the blitz, you guys got here because your secondary is outstanding. If you start blitzing and miss, Manning will make you pay. I think one of the Denver WR's stong suits is the pick on DB's and they out muscle them. Take a LB or two and have them give Welker a good 5 yard check from time to time to keep him honest, and keep the LB's in close to kill Manning's underneath shit and I think you guys should be able to run with Manning and his Broncos.

But Best of luck to you guys in the Big Dance!!!

Think McFly Think

Unaware and Oblivious Member
Aug 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 6,000.00
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Yeah the O-Line needs to work better on pass protection. That is definitely our weak link. I do think though that even if Knighton gets through, Russell can outrun Porkchop and make an explosive play or two. Denver's D is not nearly as fast as SF's is.

Can we rely on Lynch to win us a trophy? Yes. Obviously every team needs contributions from both passing and running the ball to win, but we've been relying on Lynch all season long and we're 15-3.

Harvin is going to be a big spark if he can avoid another freak concussion or other injury for this game. He automatically makes our "average" :-)rollseyes:) receiving core potent. I think the casual fans around the country are going to be in for a surprise after hearing how inept the Seattle offense is for 2 weeks.

I understand your sentiment for falsely labeling your receiver corps as average, they've come up big not just all year but especially in the playoffs. Also I just asked rhetorically if you thought Lynch could carry you. As a spectator, I basically assume that the Seahawks are going to win, don't consider me a jinx though, that gentleman that got a tattoo before the NFCCG is much more qualified than me.
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12 > 49
May 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,184.88
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
In my honest opinion, I think you should dance with who you brought to the dance.... forget the blitz, you guys got here because your secondary is outstanding. If you start blitzing and miss, Manning will make you pay. I think one of the Denver WR's stong suits is the pick on DB's and they out muscle them. Take a LB or two and have them give Welker a good 5 yard check from time to time to keep him honest, and keep the LB's in close to kill Manning's underneath shit and I think you guys should be able to run with Manning and his Broncos.

But Best of luck to you guys in the Big Dance!!!
I hear ya on that and I would be all in with that mindset against anyone not named Peyton Manning. He's just so good at reading defenses and finding the smallest little aspect to take advantage of. Giving him something he won't see on tape all year just might be the key to beating him.

Sure, we could beat him without it, and we could get burned using the blitz, but if it pays off once it was worth it.


Padded cells optional
Apr 8, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 200.00
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I hear ya on that and I would be all in with that mindset against anyone not named Peyton Manning. He's just so good at reading defenses and finding the smallest little aspect to take advantage of. Giving him something he won't see on tape all year just might be the key to beating him.

Sure, we could beat him without it, and we could get burned using the blitz, but if it pays off once it was worth it.

Getting Manning to the ground is a feat within itself, because you know them boys on his line are going to do eveything and then sum to protect him.... the bigger feat is containing Manning, and being physical with his WR's.

One play that could blow the doors off Manning would be an old Dick Lebeau trick.... Tuck a fast DB (like Sherman) up under the outside linebacker and send him in like a bat out of hell and take Manning off his feet. A play Lebeau used just to often with Polamalu and teams now look for it!!! But in y'alls case...WTF try it one time!!!!


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,184.88
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
Getting Manning to the ground is a feat within itself, because you know them boys on his line are going to do eveything and then sum to protect him.... the bigger feat is containing Manning, and being physical with his WR's.

One play that could blow the doors off Manning would be an old Dick Lebeau trick.... Tuck a fast DB (like Sherman) up under the outside linebacker and send him in like a bat out of hell and take Manning off his feet. A play Lebeau used just to often with Polamalu and teams now look for it!!! But in y'alls case...WTF try it one time!!!!
That Lebeau play screams Earl Thomas. Small, lightning fast, and hits like a missile.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think every team tries to use something that nobody has seen much of, or any of, against their opponent in the Super Bowl, so it wouldn't surprise me if Carroll and company had some tricks up their sleeves. I don't know if it'll be blitzing or letting Sherman shadow a particular player like he shadowed Boldin in week 2 or some sort of razzle-dazzle from deep in the playbook, but I'm sure we'll see something we haven't seen.

Then again, as Podunk alluded to, the Seahawks might not have to do anything different or previously unseen on defense to catch Denver off-guard. The Broncos don't have much on Percy Harvin in terms of how he'll be used in this offense and he's expected to play in this game. Harvin + two weeks of practice on stuff they didn't get to use in the two games he got into could be the strategic monkey wrench that Denver doesn't know what to do with. I don't think that necessarily rules out any extra trickery or anything like that that Carroll and his staff might want to throw in there, but there's plenty of stuff that they haven't seen with Harvin as part of the offense and he's versatile enough to be able to run some unique stuff.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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There will be some blitz packages i have no doubt in that but Peyton has a good eye seeing those so i would assume we have to mask them very well.

Denver is going to be in a world of hurt imo on defense that 7th rank against the run is very misleading due to other teams always being behind when playing them i expect Lynch to go crazy.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,816.00
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The thing is about Seattle's D, is that they really don't disguise their defense. Nearly everything looks the same. Even when they blitz, their linebackers come from their position, no posturing at the line, they just go from where they normally are.

One thing that makes this defense deadly is their LBs. THe LBs don't get the love they deserve because everyone talks about the LOB and the DL. Our linebackers are fast enough to cover WRs, TEs and RBs, and pack the wallop of Cam Chancellor. They fly to the ball in a usually disciplined manner. Getting KJ back with a game behind him should be HUGE, as he was a little rusty last week.

This is the most complete defense in the NFL. They even lost their starting CB and NB and the play of the DBs actually went up. A Broncos fan stated that our DTs were weak, but McDaniel, McDonald and Mebane (Bryant a little as well) are as good a DT rotation as any in the NFL.

As for the idea that Russell Wilson can't play under pressure, or throw the ball well, is just wrong. There is a difference between not being asked to do it and not being able to do it. Seattle was 6-0 when Russell threw for 230 or more yards (twice for 300). He threw 11 TDs and 0 picks in those games. The Panthers gave up only 2 300 yard passers this season, Drew Brees and Russell Wilson. Wilson also led the NFL with 5 game winning drives this season, tying his total from 2012 (only Andrew Luck has more over the last two seasons with 11). I prefer watching Lynch run all over people, cause it means that our gameplan is working, but I have confidence that Russell will get the job done when asked.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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There will be some blitz packages i have no doubt in that but Peyton has a good eye seeing those so i would assume we have to mask them very well.

Denver is going to be in a world of hurt imo on defense that 7th rank against the run is very misleading due to other teams always being behind when playing them i expect Lynch to go crazy.

Don't know how much you've looked into those stats that you're quoting. But SEA and DEN are averaging the same amount of ypc at 3.9 with Denver actually having 2 more rushes against them this year. So the whole notion that teams run less against them is nonsense


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,816.00
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Don't know how much you've looked into those stats that you're quoting. But SEA and DEN are averaging the same amount of ypc at 3.9 with Denver actually having 2 more rushes against them this year. So the whole notion that teams run less against them is nonsense

The issues I see for the Broncos run defense isn't the numbers. It's how they fare against teams in the second half of games. Due to their offense's huge capacity to score points, they haven't had to face much of a running offense in the second half. Teams have done nearly all their rushing damage in the first half (nearly 70 yards a game), but most teams had to abandon the run to stay in the game.

Where the Seahawks run offense actually gets better as the game goes on. If the defense allows the offense to be able to run the ball all game long, Lynch is best in the second half. If Seattle has to abandon the run and play action plays in the second half, then the team will be playing right into the strengths of the Broncos team. Seattle runs the ball 55% of the time in the second half, as opposed to 49% in the first.

The myth about the Seahawks O against the Broncos D isn't that Seattle is gonna run over the Broncos because of some desire by Hawks fans for the Broncos run D to be over rated, cause it's almost identical to Seattle's in numbers. The real myth is that Seattle won't be able to throw on Denver because they are a run first team. If Seattle gets Denver worried about the run, then that really plays into the strength of the Seahawks offense, whether its running the ball or play action. But, that does mean that the offense has to execute, which at times this season has been an inconsistent proposition.