Oregon Is Faster
If i didn't seriously consider becoming a fan of hockey I wouldn't have sat down and watched 7 full hockey games in 4 days.
Lol I can't feel bad for them at all phoneix is fucking terrible and mike smith beat them on his own they should give the goals to him
Quenville has become the biggest hypocrit in the league and this is his reward would love to hear them comment on Hayes hit
If i didn't seriously consider becoming a fan of hockey I wouldn't have sat down and watched 7 full hockey games in 4 days.
Do you get Cinemax with that reception?
Oh come on, you know he has got to be dancing for joy. No matter what that weasel says, he would sacrifice all the Canadian teams if it meant US market domination.
That was a very entertaining series.
Aside from the dark spot that was the Torres hit/Hossa injury, six enjoyable games.
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Oh come on, you know he has got to be dancing for joy. No matter what that weasel says, he would sacrifice all the Canadian teams if it meant US market domination.
fuck that. i wanted to see 6 ot games, not 5. what a let down :target:
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