desert heat
prominent member

Knowing how Canadians drink, that beer strike must have been the biggest thing to happen since the outbreak of WW2.During the beer strike of 1978, that's the only beer you could find up here as it was being bootlegged across the border from WA to Vancouver so to speak. Both those brands were great and I used to love the Ranier beer commercials.
I've claimed my loyalty to Keystone more than once here. Night off, starting off with a Guinness Extra Stout and will probably chase it with about 4 of those bad boys before I conk out.
Knowing how Canadians drink, that beer strike must have been the biggest thing to happen since the outbreak of WW2.
That's all I drink in the mid-80's (ok, not all I drank, but it was my go to beer). I haven't seen it in about 20 years or so.
I lost faith in American beer makers when Olympia Beer was discontinued.
Who in here from Texas? Any local breweries? Dallas Houston?
@fordman84 @10HtownRebs @ArlingtonCowboys100
Who in here from Texas? Any local breweries? Dallas Houston?
@fordman84 @10HtownRebs @ArlingtonCowboys100
Miller lite does have more flavor. That extra flavor tastes like rust. If I'm going to have a near flavorless beer I prefer it to taste clean, but miller lite, bud light, coors light, etc all taste about the same so the argument is a little silly.Miller light > bud light
Shiner, Texas just outside San Antonio.
They got an original Shiner? Or is it just Shiner bock or light?