If we don't go to 9 conference games, we will have 5 years between games with out of division teams....So in 2015 we will get Indiana (first time in year 5 of Big Ten play) and one of Ohio St and Wisconsin. The other team, we wont see again until 2017, so for out of division teams, there will be a 5 year gap from the time they drop off the schedule till they return to the schedule....
I know Dr Tom doesn't want a 9 conference game schedule, but I hope the Big Ten goes to one. In years when we have 5 conference road games, we'll have to schedule all 3 OOC games at home.....When we have 5 conference home games, we can schedule 1 OOC road game so we can still have a home and home with some good OOC opponents.....Hell, we only have 1 OOC road game in any given year anyway, so every other year we substitute an OOC road game with the extra conference road game, no big deal.....
LOL, I know I say no big deal, but I'm sure it will make it more difficult to schedule OOC since you don't have any road game slots available every other year....
Big felt they should help keep their whipping post around for a few more years, good move by them for other teams not named Nebraska, it's worked out just as planned