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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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The lack of discipline (flags) and jawing was there before Greg W arrived. Blame it on youth or whatever.. but we've seen it the past few years. I think it's more of a division thing, but it's not helping our cause.
The jawing, as you put it, really didn't happen all that often prior to GW and those those undisciplined flags came from everywhere, ST's, Deadball pre-snaps, Illegal formations, Offsides ect.... Now they are primarily coming from the defensive side of the ball. Either way, we both can agree, we need to mitigate these type of self imposed setbacks!

The best team right now in the NFC is Seattle. Hands down. And did you see the Bears game with Jimmy Claus and no Cutler? Amazing what happens to a TEAM when they respect their leader and play hard. I never thought I would root for Jimmy Claus, but the kid had 2-3 days of practice and had no B Marshall or Kyle Long and faced a tough Lions D. He was decent.
Sure, right now it's Seattle but a few weeks ago with Palmer behind center and for most of the Season AZ was the cream of the crop in the NFC and would be IMO the No. 1 seed if Carson was still in there taking snaps for the Redbirds. The point SJ, it's tough nuts for a team without an NFL caliber QB behind center, even for a good team!

Let's not forget how many games Samantha looked absolutely lost on that field. We didn't come on here talking about Deer in Headlights every other week for nothing. So talk all you want about "how good" Sam was, but don't forget how flippin bad the guy was too.

And don't forget, our 3rd string QB Davis had back to back 300 yard passing games with multiple TDs - so the guy did it. He made some big mistakes and we should expect that from a young, inexperienced QB.. but he brought it every week. He had AZ down late on the road and we pissed it away. But don't act like Sam would have been better in that pocket that night. We saw what Hill did against AZ in STL. Nada. Samantha would have been hanging in the pocket just the same, trying to run in slow-motion and getting nabbed.
I digress... Again, I am not advocating for Sam, I'm done with that. I was merely filling Coug in with some history dating back a bit. A lot of Sam detractors would pick the guy apart at every turn. (And Smed led the charge) IMO it was more about his salary and injuries rather than his talent & performance although he had his share of bonehead plays. Was he great? Hell no! Was he as bad as some here want to paint him? No again but it funny to note, those same folks who had no tolerance for just how bad we were as a team and put all the blame on the QB want to make the same lame excuses for their boy Davis even tough we are clearly a more talented team. :lol:

I hope we move forward with our QB issues SJ and I can't see it involving Sam outside of the fact that we are stuck with him next year. Too much dead money for a guy who probably starts out a season while the heir apparent learns the ropes. Hundley may be the answer but to get him, I think we need to move down a bit in the first round. I don't see Philly passing on the guy unless somehow Chip makes a historic move to get his golden boy MM. You know, from a football fans POV, I would like to see that happen.

What do you think Philly would need to give up to get MM in terms of a trade? Maybe Mettenberger is not the answer in Tennessee and the Titans draft MM?


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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Sorry Vita - I swear i'm not picking on you, but ANY QB in the league right now would look like a back up going into Seattle. Their defense is looking better than last year.

Gotta go on a long trip back to STL today fellas. I'm packin heat too just in case someone wants to start trippin. :) I'll be on from time to time. Have a merry Christmas to all and remember what the holiday is about. If you don't want to, i'll say a prayer for you. ;)
Safe travels brother!

Merry Christmas to you too!


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well, P. manning threw 4 interceptions with one of them being a pick 6, I guess it's time to bench him! Thats what some of you aren't getting! Manning also holds the RECORD for most pick sixes in a season with 6. All four of his interceptions were very poorly thrown balls, it happens.

But a young guy like Davis pretty much in his first year throws a couple and it's unacceptable! Really! As SJ and I have been saying, Davis should have been given a chance to play out the year to see how good he could be, we will never know that now!

The guy can throw the ball, as SJ said he threw for over 300 yards twice, something Sammie did what 7 times in 49 games? Say what you want, Sammie is handed the QB job because they were stupid enough to over pay for him, and they have to try and justify his contract!


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Apr 30, 2013
Akron, Ohio
Hoopla Cash
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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The jawing, as you put it, really didn't happen all that often prior to GW and those those undisciplined flags came from everywhere, ST's, Deadball pre-snaps, Illegal formations, Offsides ect.... Now they are primarily coming from the defensive side of the ball. Either way, we both can agree, we need to mitigate these type of self imposed setbacks!

Sure, right now it's Seattle but a few weeks ago with Palmer behind center and for most of the Season AZ was the cream of the crop in the NFC and would be IMO the No. 1 seed if Carson was still in there taking snaps for the Redbirds. The point SJ, it's tough nuts for a team without an NFL caliber QB behind center, even for a good team!

I digress... Again, I am not advocating for Sam, I'm done with that. I was merely filling Coug in with some history dating back a bit. A lot of Sam detractors would pick the guy apart at every turn. (And Smed led the charge) IMO it was more about his salary and injuries rather than his talent & performance although he had his share of bonehead plays. Was he great? Hell no! Was he as bad as some here want to paint him? No again but it funny to note, those same folks who had no tolerance for just how bad we were as a team
and put all the blame on the QB want to make the same lame excuses for their boy Davis even tough we are clearly a more talented team. :lol:

I hope we move forward with our QB issues SJ and I can't see it involving Sam outside of the fact that we are stuck with him next year. Too much dead money for a guy who probably starts out a season while the heir apparent learns the ropes. Hundley may be the answer but to get him, I think we need to move down a bit in the first round. I don't see Philly passing on the guy unless somehow Chip makes a historic move to get his golden boy MM. You know, from a football fans POV, I would like to see that happen.

What do you think Philly would need to give up to get MM in terms of a trade? Maybe Mettenberger is not the answer in Tennessee and the Titans draft MM?

I guess I'm "those same folks":yahoo: I didnt start"bashing" Sammie until a couple years ago, I didn't agree with us drafting him to begin with, but I did want him to succeed. I guess I started disliking him more and more as the Sammie lovers started to say, well he's had 3 different OC's, his receivers always drop the ball, his oline sucks. Well I don't give a rip about the OC's, ya they suck, but they aren't throwing the crappy passes I've seen him throw over the years, as far as his receivers dropping the ball, all teams have the same problem, and two years ago when this "his WR drop everything" came out, I looked it up, the Rams were in the top 5 for fewest dropped passes, so I don't buy that either! I agree his oline has sucked, it's a little better now, but it still sucks.

As Retro and SJ have stated Sammie shows absolutely no emotion, his completion % is in the lower half of the league and that's even with him throwing short dink and dunk passes, he should be completing 70% of his passes when he's only throwing the ball to the line of scrimmage! At least Davis shows emotion and completes almost 64% of his passes which is pretty good, and the guy can scramble a bit, in like Sammie.

Hey these are just my observations, and as I have said stats aren't everything, but they do say something about a player, and Sammies stats are pretty average, so Davis may be average also, but let's play him and see how average he actually is!


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The jawing, as you put it, really didn't happen all that often prior to GW and those those undisciplined flags came from everywhere, ST's, Deadball pre-snaps, Illegal formations, Offsides ect.... Now they are primarily coming from the defensive side of the ball. Either way, we both can agree, we need to mitigate these type of self imposed setbacks!

Sure, right now it's Seattle but a few weeks ago with Palmer behind center and for most of the Season AZ was the cream of the crop in the NFC and would be IMO the No. 1 seed if Carson was still in there taking snaps for the Redbirds. The point SJ, it's tough nuts for a team without an NFL caliber QB behind center, even for a good team!

I digress... Again, I am not advocating for Sam, I'm done with that. I was merely filling Coug in with some history dating back a bit. A lot of Sam detractors would pick the guy apart at every turn. (And Smed led the charge) IMO it was more about his salary and injuries rather than his talent & performance although he had his share of bonehead plays. Was he great? Hell no! Was he as bad as some here want to paint him? No again but it funny to note, those same folks who had no tolerance for just how bad we were as a team and put all the blame on the QB want to make the same lame excuses for their boy Davis even tough we are clearly a more talented team. :lol:

I hope we move forward with our QB issues SJ and I can't see it involving Sam outside of the fact that we are stuck with him next year. Too much dead money for a guy who probably starts out a season while the heir apparent learns the ropes. Hundley may be the answer but to get him, I think we need to move down a bit in the first round. I don't see Philly passing on the guy unless somehow Chip makes a historic move to get his golden boy MM. You know, from a football fans POV, I would like to see that happen.

What do you think Philly would need to give up to get MM in terms of a trade? Maybe Mettenberger is not the answer in Tennessee and the Titans draft MM?

And that's what I don't get how people are so critical of Sam and want to make excuses for Davis. Yes Davis looked good for a brief moment but once the defenses adjusted to the things he can't do it was game over.

Well Tampa looks to have the 1st pick and they need a QB so it's hard to see them not taking one. Philly would have to give up more then the RG3 deal they a picking further back. Unless they threw in some players too.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well, P. manning threw 4 interceptions with one of them being a pick 6, I guess it's time to bench him! Thats what some of you aren't getting! Manning also holds the RECORD for most pick sixes in a season with 6. All four of his interceptions were very poorly thrown balls, it happens.

But a young guy like Davis pretty much in his first year throws a couple and it's unacceptable! Really! As SJ and I have been saying, Davis should have been given a chance to play out the year to see how good he could be, we will never know that now!

The guy can throw the ball, as SJ said he threw for over 300 yards twice, something Sammie did what 7 times in 49 games? Say what you want, Sammie is handed the QB job because they were stupid enough to over pay for him, and they have to try and justify his contract!

You should be suspended for a couple days for mentioning Davis and Manning in the same post.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Davis can move out of the pocket and can avoid hits/sacks way better than the other 2 pocket QBs Sam and Hill.

Sam can't move in or out of the pocket. It's a weakness for him and he's not gotten better.

I can coach someone who can make plays with his feet and by extending the play.
These defenses are not getting worse in out division people.

Period end of novel.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You should be suspended for a couple days for mentioning Davis and Manning in the same post.

:10: yes I only mentioned them together, not comparing!:suds:


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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I find the re-occurring theme about the Rams organization again re-visited when a QB on the practice squad leaves the Rams, returns to his old club and has a career game against the Ravens. There is something about this present administration that simply does not recognize the talent it has and misuses it to the detriment of the team.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I find the re-occurring theme about the Rams organization again re-visited when a QB on the practice squad leaves the Rams, returns to his old club and has a career game against the Ravens. There is something about this present administration that simply does not recognize the talent it has and misuses it to the detriment of the team.

He was 20-42 48% 185 yds 1int 50 Rat. He wasn't that great. The Defense won that game. But I would have liked to seen him.


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He was 20-42 48% 185 yds 1int 50 Rat. He wasn't that great. The Defense won that game. But I would have liked to seen him.

:agree: I saw that game, he was below average and Houston has offensive weapons!


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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:agree: I saw that game, he was below average and Houston has offensive weapons!

If that was his career game, then we all know why he was on a practice squad.

Who would've guessed this summer that by December Jimmy Claussen and Colt McCoy would be starting games and playing decently while the Rams were still waiting for Bradford to stay healthy enough to progress? The NFL moves in mysterious ways.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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The statistics you both quoted identifies that he still did more with Houston than he did with us and it was a career game in HIS career. The Rams have a tendency to ruin players careers and if you want statistics, look them up starting with guys like London Fletcher, Daniel Fells, Madison Hedgecock, or even Brandon Lloyd and Richie Incognito.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The statistics you both quoted identifies that he still did more with Houston than he did with us and it was a career game in HIS career. The Rams have a tendency to ruin players careers and if you want statistics, look them up starting with guys like London Fletcher, Daniel Fells, Madison Hedgecock, or even Brandon Marshall and Richie Incognito.

Was a huge mistake letting Fletcher leave!


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Apr 30, 2013
Akron, Ohio
Hoopla Cash
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If that was his career game, then we all know why he was on a practice squad.

Who would've guessed this summer that by December Jimmy Claussen and Colt McCoy would be starting games and playing decently while the Rams were still waiting for Bradford to stay healthy enough to progress? The NFL moves in mysterious ways.

Claussen and McCoy are stop-gaps (and don't forget Derek Anderson, as well). Nothing more. Barring a starter's injury,none of them will be starting next year's opener... and that's a guarantee. This isn't a case of 'overlooked talent'. Late season injuries that thrust scrubs into a staring role aren't really mysterious at all.


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Apr 30, 2013
Akron, Ohio
Hoopla Cash
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The statistics you both quoted identifies that he still did more with Houston than he did with us and it was a career game in HIS career. The Rams have a tendency to ruin players careers and if you want statistics, look them up starting with guys like London Fletcher, Daniel Fells, Madison Hedgecock, or even Brandon Marshall and Richie Incognito.

I'm assuming this is just a typo. But, if not... where's the correlation between the Rams and Marshall?


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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Well, P. manning threw 4 interceptions with one of them being a pick 6, I guess it's time to bench him! Thats what some of you aren't getting! Manning also holds the RECORD for most pick sixes in a season with 6. All four of his interceptions were very poorly thrown balls, it happens.

But a young guy like Davis pretty much in his first year throws a couple and it's unacceptable! Really! As SJ and I have been saying, Davis should have been given a chance to play out the year to see how good he could be, we will never know that now!

The guy can throw the ball, as SJ said he threw for over 300 yards twice, something Sammie did what 7 times in 49 games? Say what you want, Sammie is handed the QB job because they were stupid enough to over pay for him, and they have to try and justify his contract!
Now why wouldn't you include me on that list of you and SJ. :noidea:

Remember, I've been saying all along that Davis should have continued with an opportunity to grow and play out the season too! :nod: