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Jul 12, 2013
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I also believe we have the talent. But the lack of coaching is obvious.

There are coaches in the NFL that win no matter where they go. You think it's because they are better than everyone else at picking in the draft? Nope, its because they know who and what system is going to benefit the team best. They know how to coach up those players to develop and succeed in the NFL. There are plenty of examples out there but I'm just too beat down to write anything up. Just face the Rams need coaching changes on the O-Side of the ball. And fisher needs to rope Williams in a bit and tell him blitzing is always the answer.


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Apr 23, 2013
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But it is young talent that is finally coming together more often than not. With the right moves here and there we can be a pretty good team for years to come and as early as next!

Cutting ties now would be foolish IMO. :nod:

I agree to a point, but as they said in the game the other night, Fishers teams have always been that way. A lot of penalities and he sticks with "his" guys win or lose. We do have a lot of talent, I just feel Fisher isn't using it correctly! Do you agree, that if Bradford is healthy, Fisher will roll the dice with him? I think that is foolish, you have rolled the dice with him for years now, it's time to look elsewhere. Do I want to pin my hopes on Bradford and half way through the year he gets hurt again? I know injuries happen, but the odds are greater with Bradford in there.

As some people have noted, do we take that chance again with Bradford, we are set back yet again, then some of our young talent become free agents in a couple of years and they leave because nothing has
changed here?

As Retro has stated, when some of this young talent that we have continue to make mistakes, sit their ass down for awhile. I get tired of the same penalties by the same guys, especially the false starts at home! The high stepping by Tavon Austin, that does nothing, the continued getting beat by the long pass and they look at each other like, "was that my guy, or your's"? We seem to be getting a cockiness, from the "hands up" BS, the sending out our draft picks from Washington coin toss, the trash talking we seem to being doing lately is a bunch of BS, and these guys need to concentrate on their jobs instead of the look at me and other BS we are doing.

We haven't earned the right to do any of this, we need to start winning first and that starts with Fisher, and if Fisher stays and is smart, he needs to dump Shotty, his system has failed for how many years now?
As SJ has stated what is Tavon Austin's purpose, he runs the ball acouple times a game and "maybe" catches a couple passes, usually for minimal gain! The screen pass is nonexistent in our offense. You may say we are a couple good players away, but if you don't use them properly it doesn't matter!


9er hater
Jul 11, 2013
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Can anyone name a QB that has come back after three season ending injuries in three seasons and two torn knee ligaments back to back the second one causing him to miss the entire season? I can't. If anyone in the Rams front office thinks Bradford will be ready to go next season and will play well and stay healthy they are dreaming. He is done. His career as a starting NFL QB is over. Hell he has never been very good even when he was healthy; what do we have to do Snead? kick you in the head?


9er hater
Jul 11, 2013
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Rams #1 priority after they can Fisher is to get a decent f-ing quarter back. :gaah: there I feel better.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Can anyone name a QB that has come back after three season ending injuries in three seasons and two torn knee ligaments back to back the second one causing him to miss the entire season? I can't. If anyone in the Rams front office thinks Bradford will be ready to go next season and will play well and stay healthy they are dreaming. He is done. His career as a starting NFL QB is over. Hell he has never been very good even when he was healthy; what do we have to do Snead? kick you in the head?

:agree: thank you for "getting it" some in here are hanging onto something that just isn't there!


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Dec 8, 2013
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:agree: thank you for "getting it" some in here are hanging onto something that just isn't there!

Yeah i don't "get it". Cut Sam then. Now who is your QB?? please tell. its not about hanging on its just the most realistic scenario. unless you are going to give up a redskins type trade up for a complete unknown MM or JW. ask the Redskins and Browns how that is working out for them. I don't see them doing that.


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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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:agree: thank you for "getting it" some in here are hanging onto something that just isn't there!
Are they?

- OR -

Is it more accurate to say others here




Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
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Yeah i don't "get it". Cut Sam then. Now who is your QB?? please tell. its not about hanging on its just the most realistic scenario. unless you are going to give up a redskins type trade up for a complete unknown MM or JW. ask the Redskins and Browns how that is working out for them. I don't see them doing that.

Teams can win with just an "Average QB" at the helm! Look at the Baltimore Ravens or Pittsburgh Steelers. We already have a semi strong defense! Why not continue to build off of our strong points? We could do this if we got rid of SAMMIES MASIVE CONTRACT!!

Sign some free agents!! Rebuild the right side of our o-line and continue to add to our defense and were there! Hell even I could play behind center and be successful! Face it its time to admit the Sammy is hurting this team more than he is helping!!......Just admit it!


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2013
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And supposedly Fisher has had more talent than any Ram team in the past 10 years!

I agree with you on that Smed, also 5 more games???? I'm sorry but to me that is not much of an improvement. Fact is we are going no where with Bradford, Fisher and shitennheimer. None of them have a clue. I believe we have seen the ceiling with this crew, win a few games to keep the team in town but underachieve consistently and have a reputation as the most penalized team year in and year out. Fisher had the same pattern in Tennessee.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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How many games has he played in 5 years?? :L
I wasn't advocating for Sam. I am much like Smed in regards to wanting whoever is behind center to do well.

My point was about excepting reality for what it is and that is much different than 'hanging on to something' that isn't there. As a matter of fact, many here 'Can't Deal' with the reality of what is here and the direction our FO is pointed....:nod:

That to me is more apparent then some here hanging on to something that isn't there.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree with you on that Smed, also 5 more games???? I'm sorry but to me that is not much of an improvement. Fact is we are going no where with Bradford, Fisher and shitennheimer. None of them have a clue. I believe we have seen the ceiling with this crew, win a few games to keep the team in town but underachieve consistently and have a reputation as the most penalized team year in and year out. Fisher had the same pattern in Tennessee.
In two less years brother!

Even at .500, which I expect we make the playoffs in the next two years or Fisher is gone anyways, is 21 more games!!!!!

You can say it's not much of an improvement but Jermaine my bud, did you forget just how bad we were the five years before Fisher and company took over?

In four of those five seasons we had 8 wins...........IN TOTAL!

Now here we are in Fisher's 3rd season complaining about 8 wins...... A SEASON!

That is a marked improvement!

I'll agree it's not where we want to be but neither are the 2 win seasons like we had before Fish arrived here in St Louis.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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In two less years brother!

Even at .500, which I expect we make the playoffs in the next two years or Fisher is gone anyways, is 21 more games!!!!!

You can say it's not much of an improvement but Jermaine my bud, did you forget just how bad we were the five years before Fisher and company took over?

In four of those five seasons we had 8 wins...........IN TOTAL!

Now here we are in Fisher's 3rd season complaining about 8 wins...... A SEASON!

That is a marked improvement!

I'll agree it's not where we want to be but neither are the 2 win seasons like we had before Fish arrived here in St Louis.

I agree it's like people forget how bad we were. It's been 3 years in the best division in football and people expect a Super Bowl title. :wtf2:


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2013
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Teams can win with just an "Average QB" at the helm! Look at the Baltimore Ravens or Pittsburgh Steelers. We already have a semi strong defense! Why not continue to build off of our strong points? We could do this if we got rid of SAMMIES MASIVE CONTRACT!!

Sign some free agents!! Rebuild the right side of our o-line and continue to add to our defense and were there! Hell even I could play behind center and be successful! Face it its time to admit the Sammy is hurting this team more than he is helping!!......Just admit it!

I agree we don't need an elite QB. But it's a fine line. Hill & Davis can't cut it they are below avg. you list Big Ben and Flacco both make just as much money as Sam and are above avg QB's. you do have to have some skill at QB though no matter how good the D is. Have to move the chains and keep the D fresh. The Rams will cut Sam as soon as they have someone better to replace him. The problem is they don't have anyone.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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I agree SJ, it's what we are getting with this Greg Williams led defense. I do
like the intensity however it should stay between the lines and the whistles.

The lack of discipline (flags) and jawing was there before Greg W arrived. Blame it on youth or whatever.. but we've seen it the past few years. I think it's more of a division thing, but it's not helping our cause.

BTW anyone see how well the 'best' team in the NFC did in SNF game last night
without a starting NFL caliber QB?

The best team right now in the NFC is Seattle. Hands down. And did you see the Bears game with Jimmy Claus and no Cutler? Amazing what happens to a TEAM when they respect their leader and play hard. I never thought I would root for Jimmy Claus, but the kid had 2-3 days of practice and had no B Marshall or Kyle Long and faced a tough Lions D. He was decent.

Smed would say Sam threw the ball too hard and dissect passes as 'a little too
high' or 'a little too low' as poor throws to excuse all those drops and a few
tipped ball interceptions when the ball hit the WR clearly in two hands!

Let's not forget how many games Samantha looked absolutely lost on that field. We didn't come on here talking about Deer in Headlights every other week for nothing. So talk all you want about "how good" Sam was, but don't forget how flippin bad the guy was too.

And don't forget, our 3rd string QB Davis had back to back 300 yard passing games with multiple TDs - so the guy did it. He made some big mistakes and we should expect that from a young, inexperienced QB.. but he brought it every week. He had AZ down late on the road and we pissed it away. But don't act like Sam would have been better in that pocket that night. We saw what Hill did against AZ in STL. Nada. Samantha would have been hanging in the pocket just the same, trying to run in slow-motion and getting nabbed.
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Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree it's like people forget how bad we were. It's been 3 years in the best division in football and people expect a Super Bowl title. :wtf2:
That's a good point Coug!

In those years where we were winning just two a season, our division was easily considered the worst division in Football.

Now with Harbaugh, Carrol, Arians and Fisher in the West our Division has done a complete 180!


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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I agree we don't need an elite QB. But it's a fine line. Hill & Davis
can't cut it they are below avg.

Some of you just don't get it. Davis showed a lot of good things, he just needs to minimize the mistakes.

Look at both AZ games. Davis had 2 scores and 2 turnovers. Do you think he can learn to minimize turnovers after his 1st year of NFL starts? Or do you want Hill, who had ZERO scores at home versus AZ and at 34. NO way the Rams can score with Hill versus a defense like that where we couldn't run it very good and the pocket collapsed alot.

AZ's game plan vs. Hill: Defense and field position. And don't worry about Hill in the red zone. Ever noticed how when we are in the red zone and Hill throws it, it's usually it's a fade to the outside? Have you seen Hill throw that quick pass in the red zone over the middle since San Diego?

In the NFC West, you are NOT going to see a pocket that doesn't collapse. I don't care if you get Suh and put him on the O-line. It's not going to happen. I've been saying this for years. And you still want Samantha at QB?

I will say if we had a smart OC, we would have a Russell Wilson type QB with some speed to mix into our game plan for NFC west games especially. Unfortunately, Davis has some speed and helps with that collapsing pocket. Go back and watch the game at AZ and see how many times he got sacked and how many times he avoided sacks as well.
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I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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BTW anyone see how well the 'best' team in the NFC did in SNF game last night

without a starting NFL caliber QB?

Sorry Vita - I swear i'm not picking on you, but ANY QB in the league right now would look like a back up going into Seattle. Their defense is looking better than last year.

Gotta go on a long trip back to STL today fellas. I'm packin heat too just in case someone wants to start trippin. :) I'll be on from time to time. Have a merry Christmas to all and remember what the holiday is about. If you don't want to, i'll say a prayer for you. ;)