Lord Shitlord aka El cibernauta
Saskatchewan: Boogaard, Belak, McCrimmon, Rypien played 4 seasons in Regina. #RIP
oh boy...
Slava Malamud
The crashed plane was forbidden to use the European Union airspace, deemed too unsafe by the European Air Safety Commission.
A list of the dead in the plane crush has just been released. Salei is NOT in it.
the list has been updated. salei is now on it
Kyle Turris and reporter Jason Botchford were on the radio this morn talking about when they were both in russia, the plane they travelled on was overweight and they couldnt jam any more cargo into it so they ended up bringing all the hockey equip on the plane as carry on
"An accident rate 13x higher than the world average" MT @barryap1 Russia has the world's worst air safety record:
have to wonder what other KHL players are thinking
i saw a tweet that another KHL team has decided to bus to season opener ... 900km drive
Ughhh.. this just pretty much ruined my birthday. Oh well.
PS. Stop flying these old ass planes, FFS!