Superstitious Fan
This favors SABR The 5 worst MVP votes in history - Baseball Nation
Buster did it!
Maybe a foregone conclusion for you guys but it was getting a little nerve wracking watching the MLB coverage (working from home)
Just add another great moment to one of the best Giants years of all time
Wow! Cabrera blows away Trout. Triple Crown and playoffs trump most every other consideration.
Wow! Cabrera blows away Trout. Triple Crown and playoffs trump most every other consideration.
I thought it would be a lot closer
I wonder if sentimentality of having one guy with a career year vs. a rookie with the opportunity to have many awards in the future played a role, much like it does with all star selections.
Punk kid needs to get off the writers' lawns.
I thought it would be a lot closer
I wonder if sentimentality of having one guy with a career year vs. a rookie with the opportunity to have many awards in the future played a role, much like it does with all star selections.
Well, I hope I don't get spoiled as a Giants fan because it really doesn't get any better than this.
Team awards, individual awards, a perfect game, nationwide respect - Giants 2012
So, Buster wins the MVPosey, :bored: and we're arguing about Trout vs Miggy?
Well done, Buster! What a come back from last year!
Funny thing is I think the overall reaction mimics Buster Posey's understated approach to everything.
It's almost like watching Joe Montana..full appreciation comes after he is gone.
My favorite Buster Posey story was with Krukow in an elevator the night after winning 2010.
Kruk "(paraphrasing) you know, winning the world series doesn't happen every year.."
Buster's response "why not?"