That doesn't answer my question though, and I think perhaps you're a little unclear on how park factors are calculated. Employing a bad pitching staff that gives up a lot of home runs will not affect a team's park factor unless there is also a home/road split in the data.
Total runs surrendered home versus away is a major component of park factor. Most calculations only sample data that goes back 3 or 5 years or since their last renovation. Since PETCO was renovated about the same time as their rotation (LOL), you get a pretty outlandish result. I expect their rating to regress. I do not believe that brining in LF suddenly made that place into a hitters' park, which is the point I'm really trying to argue here.
2015 James Shields gave up 19 at home versus 14 away.If a team simply has generally bad pitchers that give up a lot of home runs that should show up in their "Away" data as well, and therefore shouldn't really affect their park factor much.
2015 Ian Kennedy gave up 19 at home versus 12 away.
So, no.