I love Beer.
I don't know why he is bitching, that pitch was letter high and on the inside corner.
Ummm wow. That was last pitch was such a ball but Ill take it. Need some luck. Brilliant game by Felix. Ends the 1st half with a 2.12 ERA
Ummm wow. That was last pitch was such a ball but Ill take it. Need some luck. Brilliant game by Felix. Ends the 1st half with a 2.12 ERA
All evens out after that shit the ref called earlier.
Melvin needs to go take an ice bath. Soak that butt hurt off.
Wasn't at the game (kinda wished I had gone now!), but I absolutely loved the crowd and the playoff like atmosphere today
If we somehow manage to get to the playoffs this year, for Felix's first ever playoff start we should kings court every section at Safeco
You can tell from Felix's body language that he was so into it tonight. And the more he got into it, the more the crowd got into it.
I was impressed with Smoak's 10 pitch at bat. He didn't look like he was overswinging, and in return he was able to foul off some good pitches. If he can somehow get that approach to work, the guy can be something. He doesn't have to pull everything.
Ackley: Someone posted a clip of him in a Spring game or something when he was just out of college with us, showing how calm he was at the plate. Steady head, short quick stride, etc. Watching tonight was so clear how much different that is, and its amazing that he's not going back to what worked before. His stride right now is so long and his back leg buckles almost like a pitcher loading up. He just moves around so much and you're never going to hit a baseball that way. He needs to go back to square 1.
yeah, the a's have a dynamic offense that finds ways to score and almost always win.
i like the chances of all 3 of our starters to go deep and only give up 1-2 runs, and then hand it over to a bullpen who should be able to keep it down to 1 additional run.