Buckle up!!
Do you actually "sound out" your posts?
I resemble this remark.
From my Perch, it's has been very amusing.
Someone already let that catfish out of the bag!! Post 18.

Is there something wrong with your noodling?
Do you actually "sound out" your posts?
I resemble this remark.
From my Perch, it's has been very amusing.
Someone already let that catfish out of the bag!! Post 18.
Is there something wrong with your noodling?
Holy Mackeral! Pretty crappie of me to overlook that.
I should pay moray attention.
Holy Mackeral! Pretty crappie of me to overlook that.
I should pay moray attention.
This real sticks in my craw.
If you're gonna post on here put some mussel into it, OK?
I mean a bear a coulda done a better job!
Really, what is the porpoise of thread like this?
Even if this were a musical fish thread, I still wouldn't give a hootie.
(Did anybody gets this one?)
This is eel-sily becoming my favourite thread on this board. Well done, chums.
(Did anybody gets this one?)