Lemon Harang Pie
Active Member
David Ortiz was asked last summer if anyone had ever told him what he had reportedly tested positive for during Major League Baseball’s supposedly anonymous 2003 survey testing, a result revealed by the New York Times in July 2009. Here’s his response.
No. Nobody. Not MLB. Not the Players Association. Nobody. They just threw it out there that I tested positive on this one list and that was it. Nothing. So I have to deal with that, and your mind is all over the place. And I’ve lived with it.
It is something that is still in the dark because nobody ever had the [guts] to come to me and say, ‘This is what was happening.’ You damaged my image at the time, and it has always stayed like that. No explanation. No nothing.
A lot of things happen in your career that has to do with bad people trying to do stupid things.
I'm not sure where you're going with this but surely you're not implying that single question is anything like the attention and criticism Arod faced.