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Anybody else read this?


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Jul 17, 2013
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Very interesting article on the Harvin situation...

Mike Freeman's 10-Point Stance: Another WR Learns Not to Disrespect the QB | Bleacher Report

I'm not usually a big fan of the Bleacherreport as many of their writers are just guys off the street like you and me but they do have some credible writers and this one happens to be one of the major sports writers for them. Now obviously the whole Seahawks locker room falling apart idea is a big media grab right now and I don't agree with it one bit but I definitely can see this having been a Harvin vs. Wilson type thing (I know he fights with other teammates as well so not just an isolated incident). The QB always wins that battle especially when he is the one actually producing on the field for the team.

Anyway seems like this whole thing is just getting blown out of proportion but didn't know if any of you had heard anything like this of the locker room being divided over Wilson?


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Apr 23, 2013
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First of all Bleacher report.... Secondly, No sources..... Pass

Seattle kept a cover on a fist fight resulting in a black eye to their starting wide out during superbowl week. I doubt this type of crap leaks now. Also I thought we were past that as a society? guess not.


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Dec 4, 2013
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We got racism based on color. Do we now have racism based on what shade a person is? Stupidest thing yet we have heard from the media about the Hawks.


R.I.P. Bob Saget
Apr 28, 2013
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"My feeling on this—and it's backed up by several interviews with Seahawks players—is that some of the black players think Wilson isn't black enough."

You're right, anybody off the street can write on Bleacherreport. This piece was clearly the work of Rob Parker.

But for real I had heard Harvin may have had a few run-ins with Wilson. I have not heard anything about the locker room being split between "Wilson" and "Anti-Wilson". Seems stupid to me, if you're on the team and consider yourself "Anti-Wilson" do you want TJack starting or do you just seriously dislike Wilson because he got in a fight with Harvin who is a proven D-bag? Either way it doesn't make sense.

Who knows though, maybe there's a mutiny a brewin' and the conspirators are waiting for Russ to get married so they can murder him and his mother and sew his direwolf's severed head onto his body.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Wilson didn't want Harvin to go.

And the story about Lynch not getting on the bus has smelled like bullshit since it came out.


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First of all Bleacher report.... Secondly, No sources..... Pass

Seattle kept a cover on a fist fight resulting in a black eye to their starting wide out during superbowl week. I doubt this type of crap leaks now. Also I thought we were past that as a society? guess not.

I agree Bleacher Report is a tough place to look at but this writer is actually a nationally recognized sports writer having 2 published books about the NFL and sports media while also having written for CBSSports, NYTimes, Boston Globe, and Washington Times. All highly recognized news sources. Now I don't like the whole "Unnamed" source things but we have seen Seattle cover up some pretty big things such as the fights. I was a little shocked at all that has happened considering so many thought that Seattle locker room was just so in synch. All locker rooms though have their issues so this isn't just unique to Seattle having a player fight every once in a while.


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Apr 20, 2013
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I take all these reports with a grain of salt. Bleacher report has more creditability now then it did a few years ago. There is probably some truth to that article but some of other stuff that is probably fluffed. Like for example there was a report the Marshawn Lynch refused to get on the team bus because he we so upset about the trade. However since his agent and Doug Baldwin have come out and said how bogus that was.

I'm sure there will more articles that come out in the next few days with a different take on the situation. Its a big story especially being that the Seahawks are the defending champs so it makes the light shine even brighter on them. Its a juicy story so I don't blame people for trying to give their 2 cents on it.


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Very interesting article on the Harvin situation...

Mike Freeman's 10-Point Stance: Another WR Learns Not to Disrespect the QB | Bleacher Report

I'm not usually a big fan of the Bleacherreport as many of their writers are just guys off the street like you and me but they do have some credible writers and this one happens to be one of the major sports writers for them. Now obviously the whole Seahawks locker room falling apart idea is a big media grab right now and I don't agree with it one bit but I definitely can see this having been a Harvin vs. Wilson type thing (I know he fights with other teammates as well so not just an isolated incident). The QB always wins that battle especially when he is the one actually producing on the field for the team.

Anyway seems like this whole thing is just getting blown out of proportion but didn't know if any of you had heard anything like this of the locker room being divided over Wilson?

Surprised you didn't just leave this in the general forum.


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
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No wonder Lynch doesn't talk to the media :rollseyes:


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Apr 22, 2013
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Bleacher reports has no more credibility now than they did a few years ago. Stop with the BS.

Case in point. Wilson offered to help Harvin out when the FO told him why they were going to trade him. He didn't wan't Harvin to go. The FO said they didn't want their 3rd year franchise QB having to deal with other players and wanted him to just focus on football. Yes Lynch was upset but that's because Harvin no matter how you cut it up is a threat on the field. He is an outstanding athlete and makes the team harder to game plan for. Problem is the hawks were going away from the type of team that they are because of Harvin. He did not fit the Seahawk Mold more than anything. He is not a physical player like the rest of this team.

Again Bleacher report is NO MORE CREDITABLE than they ever have been so just get out of here with that BS. You want to read that hearsay/rumor/tabloid trash that's fine but just remember the source, and by all means do not believe it unless its a rehash report from something off a real news sight ( which BR does to try and add credibility to their reporting. It's a joke.)
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Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I don't know. I don't believe all the garbage in that article, but I really do believe Wilson wanted rid of him.


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Apr 22, 2013
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I don't know. I don't believe all the garbage in that article, but I really do believe Wilson wanted rid of him.

Nope, Wilson offered to the FO to help Harvin out with his Anger issue when they told him they were thinking about trading Harvin, this was a reported on Seahawks.com AND ESPN. What is cool about that is the FO went to Wilson for his input and told him what was going on before they confronted the rest of the team. This tells me that Wilson is respected SO much not only by his team mates but by the front office. We are lucky to be Hawk fans and to have such a extremely special player and person like Russell Wilson as our QB. We get to see true greatness blossom here.


Jul 3, 2013
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If only he were blacker. :pound:


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Jul 17, 2013
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Surprised you didn't just leave this in the general forum.

I actually posted this here before the one on the General Board started up. I figured this was Seahawks news so no reason to have this going on the General Board. Somebody else decided it was worth being on the General Board. I mean no disrespect by this as it just surprised me some of the things being said about Russell Wilson as I honestly have nothing but the utmost respect for the guy. I want to dislike him but he is such a good guy that he makes that impossible. I just was more wondering if there was any local news saying similar things.


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As I said in the general forum thread, I wouldn't be surprised to hear this is more or less true. Harvin is a malcontent with anger issue. Why would I be surprised to find out that he didn't like that Wilson wasn't enough of a brother?

I don't think this is indicative of some larger issue. I just think Harvin has problems.


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Aug 14, 2013
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We got racism based on color. Do we now have racism based on what shade a person is? Stupidest thing yet we have heard from the media about the Hawks.

It's called, people don't like people that are different than they are. It's why some Blacks and Whites fight, they have different skin. Some don't like the way other people talk. It's why southern Hicks and Northern intellectuals fight. Some don't like the state you're from. It's why Wolverines and Buckeyes get it on at football games. Have's don't like Haven't nots and vice versa. Dogs hate cats and democrats and republicans are so much alike but will fight for decades day after day after day.

People just don't like different. Most are able to at least accept it, some are just retarded about it. Percy appears to be one of those people.


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The more I read, the happier I am that he is gone.