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Could you imagine if we had someone at the wheel who had a clue....
Like Joe Girardi?
Could you imagine if we had someone at the wheel who had a clue....
Sonny shat himself.....Gleyber picks him up.....
Tonight we get to see Snell strike out Tyler Austin 3 times cause they still think that position should be a straight platoon
Bird is the purest hitter in line up, barring injury, 3 slot, leave him alone! All this experimenting, he will lose his players!
LOL. Literally the shittiest hitter in the lineup, with little to no track record of being "good". What type of kool-aid do they have you Yankee fans drinking?
He was solid late last year and in the playoffs last year and that tends to stick in people's minds. If history is any indication he'll pick it up soon and then get hurt.
I know I know. I go round and round with Dirt on this. It's like Greg Bird has his own propaganda machine in NYC. Usually you have the great production and then the hype like Sanchez and Judge. Bird seems like he got the hype and we're still waiting on the great production.
1st pitch ... good nite!