corn train
Have some of it
I wish Mr Green the best in his life both on (unless it's vs NU) and off the field. May his faith and seemingly good character be used to provide good things in troubled communities. He was law abiding in Lincoln, no? I don't blame him for seeking happiness elsewhere. People change jobs and places they live all the time in order to improve their personal lives. He gave NU and Lincoln a try and it didn't work out. Happiness is a very important ingredient to mental health. I can't be angry at the young man for doing what I myself would do. Racial slurs certainly aren't in order.
I've always had higher expectations for Emeer anyway.
Wow, I'm not near as angry as some of you guys are....Jesus guys.
I just see Aaron as someone who is more interested in showing his talents in hopes of being drafted than someone who wants to help his team. I wish him the best but shit I'm not going to post in this thread 15 times about how much he sucks......brasky...