Lefty 99
Hey Tzill, where did you get those numbers - those are excellent factoids about revenues associated with baseball. I've always been in a quandry in regards to the lack of a salary cap in baseball. From reading the posts on this thread, I'm getting the idea that this whole salary cap issue is a lot more complex than my prior belief with the number of owners not commited to building a winning product to the tv stations certain teams own and the amount of dollars generated as a result.
Football has had more parity over the years, esp. after many were crying foul over the Niners, who were quite honestly as close to the Yanks in football for a stretch. The Pats are the closest thing to a dynasty but that's because of a very well run organization along with a coach who knows how to draft/sign even the most unheralded player who fits the scheme to a tee.
Here's an interesting article about salary caps:
Small Market Baseball Teams Proving They Can Play - Associated Content from Yahoo! -
They make a very solid case about the NBA. It's interesting to note that up to 2008, 30 of the World Series were won by 19 different teams.
P.S. Filo, thanks for the memo about the Sharks forum.
Yosh, I've lost my research trail, but start by wiki'ing "MLB revenue sharing" and go from there. The article I C&P'd was a legit source.