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Game Thread: 8/29 Little Babies @ Fathers


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
Hoopla Cash
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Moore sucks.

That is all.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
Hoopla Cash
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Still want to have his option picked up?
If the Giants get Stanton, they will need to save money wherever they can, so maybe not.

The question is, though, if another team could have Moore next year at 9M with a 10M option, would they take it? If the answer is yes, then the Giants need to try to trade him. And he still has good stuff and room for growth, so I think that some team WOULD want that. If he is able to learn how to pitch out of the stretch, he could turn everything around. That is his major flaw right now.

All that said, I am not sure he will have his option picked up. The Giants are in a bit of a 40-crunch this year and as stated earlier, likely to be taking on a LOT of salary this off-season...


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
Hoopla Cash
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Jfc, the defense...


Former Californian. Hesitant Tennessean.
Aug 1, 2015
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If the Giants get Stanton, they will need to save money wherever they can, so maybe not.

The question is, though, if another team could have Moore next year at 9M with a 10M option, would they take it? If the answer is yes, then the Giants need to try to trade him. And he still has good stuff and room for growth, so I think that some team WOULD want that. If he is able to learn how to pitch out of the stretch, he could turn everything around. That is his major flaw right now.

All that said, I am not sure he will have his option picked up. The Giants are in a bit of a 40-crunch this year and as stated earlier, likely to be taking on a LOT of salary this off-season...
I still cannot see how the Giants get Stanton. Their budget is going to be busted for awhile if they land him. I would think the Marlins could get a better package of prospects elsewhere if they agree to pay part of his contract. But, with the goodwill being generated with his home run chase and the team's push for the Wild Card, it seems dumb for the new ownership to want their roster gutted and the face of the franchise gone.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
Hoopla Cash
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I still cannot see how the Giants get Stanton. Their budget is going to be busted for awhile if they land him. I would think the Marlins could get a better package of prospects elsewhere if they agree to pay part of his contract. But, with the goodwill being generated with his home run chase and the team's push for the Wild Card, it seems dumb for the new ownership to want their roster gutted and the face of the franchise gone.
I would think so as well. But those in the know are saying that the Giants are currently the front-runners to have him on opening day next year (ahead of the fish, even). They also believe that if the Giants pay the bulk of the contract, they could get him for no prospects at all. Apparently the Marlins want to shed everything for the new ownership group. Apparently, they will purge their entire outfield.


Former Californian. Hesitant Tennessean.
Aug 1, 2015
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With the Marlins' history of fire sales and cheap ownership, it really seems a foolish move for the new owners to pull that kind of stumnt. Signals more of the same to the fans and puts the ownership in a bad place to make money.
Oct 6, 2016
San Francisco, California
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players i do not need to see anymore in '17

moore, melancon, span, pence, sandoval, osich, suarez, strickland, hernandez, cain..... none of these will help in '19 which is the earliest we'll be competitive. whatever trade value there is will not be enhanced by further playing this year.

posey... you're just adding miles to his frame, whatever he does won't help this year so give him a rest
bum... same thing. maybe use bum as a pinch hitter

start treating the remainder like spring training. give fans something to look forward to, give some minors a big league look.... at least it would show the fo is engaged

the exception would be for the dodgers home series... bring back all the big guns - posey, bum, mays, bonds, mccovey.... anything to knock the dogs down a peg

and oh... start cain in a final home series... let him go an inning or two and get the ovation he deserves

just put a end to this year


I'm just here to troll everyone
Aug 11, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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players i do not need to see anymore in '17

moore, melancon, span, pence, sandoval, osich, suarez, strickland, hernandez, cain..... none of these will help in '19 which is the earliest we'll be competitive. whatever trade value there is will not be enhanced by further playing this year.

posey... you're just adding miles to his frame, whatever he does won't help this year so give him a rest
bum... same thing. maybe use bum as a pinch hitter

start treating the remainder like spring training. give fans something to look forward to, give some minors a big league look.... at least it would show the fo is engaged

the exception would be for the dodgers home series... bring back all the big guns - posey, bum, mays, bonds, mccovey.... anything to knock the dogs down a peg

and oh... start cain in a final home series... let him go an inning or two and get the ovation he deserves

just put a end to this year

You are overdoing it. Strickland is a very good reliever, and so is Melancon. Pence isn't going anywhere, and depending on moves we make Span may be our LF. Gorkys may be our 5th OF too.

Now, by 2019 Pence will be gone and so will Span, but both are likely here next year.

The others yeah they can go.
Oct 6, 2016
San Francisco, California
Hoopla Cash
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You are overdoing it. Strickland is a very good reliever, and so is Melancon. Pence isn't going anywhere, and depending on moves we make Span may be our LF. Gorkys may be our 5th OF too.

Now, by 2019 Pence will be gone and so will Span, but both are likely here next year.

The others yeah they can go.

span and pence may likely be starters in '18, but i don't need to see them anymore in '17. they are in the injury prone twilight of their careers - just sit 'em, we aren't learning more nor putting them on display.

melancon could use the rest.

strickland doesn't seem to be expanding his repertoire at this point, he does seem to get macho and serve up fastballs that turn into scores - that's something i don't need to see anymore

you are probably right, gorkys could use the playing time to hone his skills. but i can't remember the last time i've thought... 'oh goody, boch is sending gorkys in - now we're cookin'. at least with blanco i felt he had a play or two in his pocket that he could drop in unexpectedly


Former Californian. Hesitant Tennessean.
Aug 1, 2015
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Hoopla Cash
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You are overdoing it. Strickland is a very good reliever, and so is Melancon. Pence isn't going anywhere, and depending on moves we make Span may be our LF. Gorkys may be our 5th OF too.

Now, by 2019 Pence will be gone and so will Span, but both are likely here next year.

The others yeah they can go.
The one thing I want to say about Melancon is that if he is in need of surgery, what is the point to continue to put him out there. He says that there is pain when he pitches. If the surgery is going to put into question his availability at the start of 2018, it seems stupid to put off the surgery until after the season. What good reason does the FO have to delay that and continuing using him this season?


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,400.09
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The one thing I want to say about Melancon is that if he is in need of surgery, what is the point to continue to put him out there. He says that there is pain when he pitches. If the surgery is going to put into question his availability at the start of 2018, it seems stupid to put off the surgery until after the season. What good reason does the FO have to delay that and continuing using him this season?
It is MMs body, and he has final say on whether and/or when he goes under the knife. Also, do we know that a surgery will fix his pain? Or that said surgery will have a long recovery that could put 2018 in jeopardy?

I don't know the answer to any of those questions, but since they are pitching him now, isn't it fair to assume that any surgery he will have has a recovery time that should not interfere with the start of '18 if he has it in October?


Former Californian. Hesitant Tennessean.
Aug 1, 2015
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere
Hoopla Cash
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It is MMs body, and he has final say on whether and/or when he goes under the knife. Also, do we know that a surgery will fix his pain? Or that said surgery will have a long recovery that could put 2018 in jeopardy?

I don't know the answer to any of those questions, but since they are pitching him now, isn't it fair to assume that any surgery he will have has a recovery time that should not interfere with the start of '18 if he has it in October?
My comments are based only on what limited information I've read. Someone who shared a Twitter post a few weeks back where Melancon shrugged an answer about pitching with pain. The assumption I made, based on that, was that it wasn't his decision to keep pitching. I realize that may not be the case at all but his answer seemed to suggest that is the case. And Henry Shulman was the one that suggested the possibility of Melancon not being ready at the start of 2018 due to surgery. I don't know what surgery he is need of so I don't know if its a case of Shulman not knowing what he is talking about.

Maybe it is Melancon's body but the FO can put strong pressure on a guy about when surgery is done and they have every right to put a pitcher back on the disabled list if they know he isn't right and that continuing to pitch could put his availability at the start of 2018 in jeopardy. I realize that all the assumptions I'm making could very well be wrong but if they are right, then how its being handled seems ridiculous.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
San Diego
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,400.09
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All I have heard about his discomfort is that pitching should not cause any further problems, outside of discomfort.

Assuming surgery IS needed...

Assuming recovery is 6-8 weeks (WAG, just to indicate that it is less than a full off-season)...

Assuming that further activity will not cause further damage...

Why not pitch him? He is a highly paid member of the team, and having him around should help build chemistry. I have not heard any mumbling about there being any issues between him and Dyson, for example. Having both of them working together should prove beneficial next year seeing as they are the two most important bully pieces moving forward (maybe along with Smith). And if he doesn't pitch, than there will be more rust for him to work through come ST.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe he blows out his arm pitching tonight. Maybe he doesn't, but he misses the first 6 weeks of 2018 because of a delayed surgery.

But I have to trust that the FO is not making completely boneheaded decisions.
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Aug 16, 2010
Two hours from anywhere one actually wants to be
Hoopla Cash
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All I have heard about his discomfort is that pitching should not cause any further problems, outside of discomfort.

Assuming surgery IS needed...

Assuming recovery is 6-8 weeks (WAG, just to indicate that it is less than a full off-season)...

Assuming that further activity will not cause further damage...

Why not pitch him? He is a highly paid member of the team, and having him around should help build chemistry. I have not heard any mumbling about there being any issues between him and Dyson, for example. Having both of them working together should prove beneficial next year seeing as they are the two most important bully pieces moving forward (maybe along with Smith). And if he doesn't pitch, than there will be more rust for him to work through come ST.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe he blows out his arm pitching tonight. Maybe he doesn't, but he misses the first 6 weeks of 2018 because of a delayed surgery.

[bold]But I have to trust that the FO is not making completely boneheaded decisions.[/bold]

Too late.
