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- #101
Lefty 99
K--SeeYa in the game...
Up to Vogelsong now. The offense did all it can do.
Only reason we beat Kershaw was that Timmah wasn't pitching...
You suck at posting gifs.........
What did I do wrong?
Yea, baby!!
With a bit of torture thrown in for good measure.
I missed the injury. What happened?
Four hitters came to the plate that inning. Three saw two pitches or less, the other got a hit.
The big thing for my son was that the JC was part of this program (I don't know the name of it); the JC and over 100 universities were part of an agreement where certain JC classes (quite a few) were "vetted" (approved) concerning syllabus and content, and all of the 4-year colleges in the program (including U.C. Berkeley and Stanford!) would give full-credit for the class after transfer - as if it had been taken at the 4-year college: both for credit, and for breadth requirements. So long as he picked classes from "the approved list" he had to worries. HUGE guarantee. The classes were generally basic, introductory classes (Econ 1, Chem 1, Psych 1, Intro to U.S. History, etc.)
He also ended up staying an extra semester at the J.C. so that he could fished a few classes and qualify for 3 A.A. degrees instead of 1. AAs aren't that impressive compared to a BA or BS, but are light years better than a HS diploma. He also figured that having *3* AAs might be impressive, and the 3rd one (communications) had a bunch of classes that he thought he would find useful later in his career (public speaking, effective writing, research strategies, etc.)