i can accept losing but not to these cocky fucks...
You guys have capitalized on all our mistakes, congratulations, and you've also won the ref battle as they only seem to get the retaliation, not the first part.
LOL You know damn well you and just about every "Alternative lifestyle" 49ers fan would be over on the Seahawks boards rubbing it in if you guys were up 22-3.
Did Boldin even play tonight?
You have so many classless players! Do any of them have respect for the game? Here's hoping this is a motivational springboard for the media & other teams to rub this latest debacle in your faces for a long time.
How Do you not call a hold there ref! Held Justin's jersey from behind.
every seahawk fan on this SF board gloating GO FUCK YOURSELF. You make us all look bad. Some of us aren't complete fuck wads like you. Just go away.