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sugar booger
I'm actually rehabbing a post-op ACL guy right now. Can give you tips if needed down the line.
thanks pix. might take you up on that...
I'm actually rehabbing a post-op ACL guy right now. Can give you tips if needed down the line.
actually, the info is quite helpful. i don't always ask questions when i should, then realize later that i should have asked questions.
and for the record, i fully endorse any bragging.
thanks everyone.
i'm guessing it'll need surgery, but i think they do it all arthroscopically now/
my father in law blew both of his acl's in the past and at a fairly advanced age, buthe's recovered really well and is one of the most fit people i know, so i'm hoping this all goes smoothly if it goes in that direction.
I've had tons of injuries throughout my life, and with the exception of a jaw none were broken bones. All tears and sprains and dislocations. I ripped a muscle in my lower back when I was 16 and wanted to get healthy for the Grands so I pushed myself. 24 years later, that damn thing still hurts. The dislocated ankles that happened at the end of the season that same year where I had all winter to recuperate? Mostly fine now.
Sorry to hear Johnny. I went through some shit like this last year at this time, well late May til Jan. Mine probably wasn't as bad, partial tears in both rotator cuffs, but I also didn't have to have surgery, so best of luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Just don't push yourself to get back, that's the key to any injury. Let your body tell you when you are ready.
I've had tons of injuries throughout my life, and with the exception of a jaw none were broken bones. All tears and sprains and dislocations. I ripped a muscle in my lower back when I was 16 and wanted to get healthy for the Grands so I pushed myself. 24 years later, that damn thing still hurts. The dislocated ankles that happened at the end of the season that same year where I had all winter to recuperate? Mostly fine now.
I do wish I'd have had my knee scoped when I was 18 though; minor tear just waiting to pop again, I fear.
Just take it easy. And next time, bounce off the wall. It's why they're there.![]()
Fuck, fuck, figgity, fuck fuck fuck!!
Don't worry homeboy, I'm sure you'll heal faster than Mike Modano!
Rotator Cuff surgery is regarded as the most difficult to make a full recovery from. I've talked with MDs about it and most say the same thing...RC is the biggest pain in the butt out there. Luckily, for the average individual (aka everyone but throwing athletes) it's not something which has to be surgically repaired (unless full width length tear). Still a ton of rehab though.
Unusual stories for an IT security guy.
/I'm back in school for a related field and, holy shit, do you guys ever get off the fucking couch?
Holy schniekes...nice injury history. Dislocated ankles? Sheesh.
Well, most of the injuries were from previous career as "extreme athlete".
But even still, I never get on the couch. I think you are thinking of developers. Me and the guy in the cube next to me do 100 miles a week on our road bikes. I play hockey with two others and a group of us get together once a month for mountain biking. The only reason I haven't gone skydiving with them is they won't let me ride a bike out of the plane.
High stress = crazy need for stress relief. But there is no other job I can see myself doing. Welcome to the madness, if you ever want to bounce questions off a grizzled old vet, I am just a PM away.
Wouldn't have been so bad if they weren't both at once.
10ft ramp. 12 feet of air. number of pedals missed on re-entry = 2. SNAP!
Just don't push yourself to get back, that's the key to any injury. Let your body tell you when you are ready.
I've had tons of injuries throughout my life, and with the exception of a jaw none were broken bones. All tears and sprains and dislocations. I ripped a muscle in my lower back when I was 16 and wanted to get healthy for the Grands so I pushed myself. 24 years later, that damn thing still hurts. The dislocated ankles that happened at the end of the season that same year where I had all winter to recuperate? Mostly fine now.
I do wish I'd have had my knee scoped when I was 18 though; minor tear just waiting to pop again, I fear.
Just take it easy. And next time, bounce off the wall. It's why they're there.![]()
I didn't know we were listing ALL injuries. Lets see if I can remember them all.
Partial tear in both rotator cuffs, including twice in right shoulder, crushed thumb with a break and skin and nail ripped out, Broken nose 3 times, fractured cheek, fractured eye socket, grade 3 (is that the bad one?) knee sprains in both knees, tendon damage in right elbow from playing softball, an ankle sprain so severe they took me into x-ray a second time because they couldn't believe it wasn't broken (it was really swollen and the color was unbelievable), burns on my left shoulder and upper back from having fresh, hot coffee spilled on me when I was 5 (at the Brockton Fair. I still have scars), deep 2nd degree burns on my right foot from bacon grease (worse than the coffee burns by far but surprisingly, no scars), middle and ring finger on left hand got crushed in the seam of a garage door from the top down to first knuckle, 3 cracked ribs on upper back, right side, from playing paintball (their gun was shooting "hot"), pulled groin running the bases (get your minds out of the gutter ya bastards), stitches a couple time, I've had bone spurs in the knuckle of the big toe on my left foot from stubbing my toe (hey it was 3 am and I woke up having to pee), I know I'm missing a few. And no, I'm not clumsy!!!
I didn't know we were listing ALL injuries. Lets see if I can remember them all.
Partial tear in both rotator cuffs, including twice in right shoulder, crushed thumb with a break and skin and nail ripped out, Broken nose 3 times, fractured cheek, fractured eye socket, grade 3 (is that the bad one?) knee sprains in both knees, tendon damage in right elbow from playing softball, an ankle sprain so severe they took me into x-ray a second time because they couldn't believe it wasn't broken (it was really swollen and the color was unbelievable), burns on my left shoulder and upper back from having fresh, hot coffee spilled on me when I was 5 (at the Brockton Fair. I still have scars), deep 2nd degree burns on my right foot from bacon grease (worse than the coffee burns by far but surprisingly, no scars), middle and ring finger on left hand got crushed in the seam of a garage door from the top down to first knuckle, 3 cracked ribs on upper back, right side, from playing paintball (their gun was shooting "hot"), pulled groin running the bases (get your minds out of the gutter ya bastards), stitches a couple time, I've had bone spurs in the knuckle of the big toe on my left foot from stubbing my toe (hey it was 3 am and I woke up having to pee), I know I'm missing a few. And no, I'm not clumsy!!!
I didn't know we were listing ALL injuries. Lets see if I can remember them all.
Partial tear in both rotator cuffs, including twice in right shoulder, crushed thumb with a break and skin and nail ripped out, Broken nose 3 times, fractured cheek, fractured eye socket, grade 3 (is that the bad one?) knee sprains in both knees, tendon damage in right elbow from playing softball, an ankle sprain so severe they took me into x-ray a second time because they couldn't believe it wasn't broken (it was really swollen and the color was unbelievable), burns on my left shoulder and upper back from having fresh, hot coffee spilled on me when I was 5 (at the Brockton Fair. I still have scars), deep 2nd degree burns on my right foot from bacon grease (worse than the coffee burns by far but surprisingly, no scars), middle and ring finger on left hand got crushed in the seam of a garage door from the top down to first knuckle, 3 cracked ribs on upper back, right side, from playing paintball (their gun was shooting "hot"), pulled groin running the bases (get your minds out of the gutter ya bastards), stitches a couple time, I've had bone spurs in the knuckle of the big toe on my left foot from stubbing my toe (hey it was 3 am and I woke up having to pee), I know I'm missing a few. And no, I'm not clumsy!!!And this scar here I got from the USS Indianapolis.
Jeebus, I'm going to start calling you "X-Games"!
3rd degree when speaking of strains/sprains means complete tear of ligaments/muscle/tendon (so yeah, it's the worst). And you're the guy that when we take a medical history before examining an injury, we'd just write down "really effed up".