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24 (Jack Bauer TV series)


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
Apr 17, 2013
Oak Creek WI
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I got a bad vibe from her as soon as she started interfering with his work and asking all the questions. When he said he was going to find a new buyer and a minute later she walks into the mens bathroom, I knew he was deadmeat.

Knife to the ear was brutal, but so it goes in the UK. Guns are extremely hard to obtain so knife related crime is off the charts.

Yeah, I felt she was bad news as well.

What I really thought was funny was that 6 trained CIA agents couldn't hit the drug dealer that shot Jack. The guy is standing on an open walk way between two buildings and none of the agents could get off a clean shot??

Back to the range if you ask me.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
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Yes, but what was even more intelligence insulting was when the couple are surrounded by a dozen CIA agents, Jack walks out, screams at them to grab those two, but they all just let them start skipping by them.


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Apr 17, 2013
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
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it started off a little slow for a few minutes but than ramped up! I wonder how many characters will return and I also would not be shocked If this actually comes back to a weekly show depending upon how this 12 episode mini series goes

This will be ratings dependent. Literally every person involved with the show says something different every interview I read hell here are 3 summed up keifer quotes.

"Depending on how this limited series goes, we'll discuss jacks future"

"I'm getting old, bones are creaking, this is it for me, I'm done"(Sylvester and Bruce say hi)

"We introduce a new character that's a mini jack, whom we could pass the torch to"(Kate Morgan)

So who knows.

I loved it. The show got 8 mil viewers and a 2.5 demo(the key) which for a summer series going against The Voice. Is pretty damn good.


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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How cool was the knife in the ear?

That is what makes this series so great. That moment really gets you by surprise. So far, same premise, a couple of people in "CTU" setting working on their own secret agenda again, was a little disappointing to me.

They are really setting that chief of staff prick up to be the mole and nemesis of this season, I wont be surprised if he is not involved in that way. He wants jack away from the presidents daughter.

Hope the leader of Chloies group ends up more involved, thats the dude from the original crow. Its gonna be interesting, dont know if this pace might be too quick, already found the guy, the machine that slipped away and hes dead. Sure hope it doesnt end up too quick.


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
Apr 17, 2013
Oak Creek WI
Hoopla Cash
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That is what makes this series so great. That moment really gets you by surprise. So far, same premise, a couple of people in "CTU" setting working on their own secret agenda again, was a little disappointing to me.

They are really setting that chief of staff prick up to be the mole and nemesis of this season, I wont be surprised if he is not involved in that way. He wants jack away from the presidents daughter.

Hope the leader of Chloies group ends up more involved, thats the dude from the original crow. Its gonna be interesting, dont know if this pace might be too quick, already found the guy, the machine that slipped away and hes dead. Sure hope it doesnt end up too quick.

Considering that in one of the seasons he kicked a heroin addiction and saved the US from a nuclear attack, I can't imagine any of this "going to quickly"



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Sep 1, 2011
College Station
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Yeah, I felt she was bad news as well.

What I really thought was funny was that 6 trained CIA agents couldn't hit the drug dealer that shot Jack. The guy is standing on an open walk way between two buildings and none of the agents could get off a clean shot??

Back to the range if you ask me.

Wern't they using handguns?


Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
Apr 17, 2013
Oak Creek WI
Hoopla Cash
$ 30.38
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Wern't they using handguns?

Yep. But so was the dealer who got Jack in the shoulder. I am no marksman but feel I could have capped that guy at least once with my 357. The agents all had cover but this knob was standing in the open.


Apr 18, 2013
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Then again... He might not be a mole just someone who really doesn't want his wife to know that Jack is alive (which blows up in his face the next episode) because Jack put her in such a terrible state to begin with. This also could be 24 way of trying to make everyone think he is a bad guy meanwhile the real mole is someone we never would have expected (which has happened in the show before)

24 has always followed the same formula... Was anyone surprised that the woman killed the hacker?? no anyone who watches 24 was actually predicting that will happen... as many of us are predicting that the GOT lady will not be the BIG BAD, and will get killed off by episode 6... The same thing can be said about who will be the mole... even though they have before made the obvious one the mole, it generally is someone we will not expect... And usually if the guy we do expect is the mole, he is not the Big mole...

I expect the guy who helped the Woman from Chuck and Dexter to be the big Mole...


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
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Another great episode in my opinion. Moved at an awesome pace and really accomplished a lot. Sad about Chloe's situation.

Classic Jack at the end. Maybe his best move yet.


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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24 has always followed the same formula... Was anyone surprised that the woman killed the hacker?? no anyone who watches 24 was actually predicting that will happen... as many of us are predicting that the GOT lady will not be the BIG BAD, and will get killed off by episode 6... The same thing can be said about who will be the mole... even though they have before made the obvious one the mole, it generally is someone we will not expect... And usually if the guy we do expect is the mole, he is not the Big mole...

I expect the guy who helped the Woman from Chuck and Dexter to be the big Mole...

I dont know, it makes alot of sense with her husband killed by the drone, but he was a big name in the terrorist group so it could be one of them pulling her strings. Just the way she didnt care about the specifics when the kid was dealing with setting up the system and she was out in the garden. The biggest mole character is already is the chief of staff asshole. Cant wait til Jack meets up with her again and kneecaps that prick.


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Sep 1, 2011
College Station
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I dont know, it makes alot of sense with her husband killed by the drone, but he was a big name in the terrorist group so it could be one of them pulling her strings. Just the way she didnt care about the specifics when the kid was dealing with setting up the system and she was out in the garden. The biggest mole character is already is the chief of staff asshole. Cant wait til Jack meets up with her again and kneecaps that prick.

I knew that from the first episode


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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well 24 did not disappoint last night. If anyone is giving up on it, give it another shot. I think they are re airing on fridays.


Captain Spaulding
Apr 21, 2010
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definitely a good episode...i squirmed a bit when the son-in-law was in need of convincing to pilot the drones