Well-Known Member
I get not really in you to admit your logic is off base (and can I get a warning before a boot?) but do you know what you are even saying? Their era now includes Lebron saving them after 6 years of no playoffs. You think with no Lebron for this discussion they can turn it around quickly even though Pelinka has yet to be able to bring in an elite FA to play there not named Lebron? Might he? sure....but what has he done to make you so confident he can do it quickly?Not really. It kind of proves @tlance point. Considering they just won a title, they are kind of having a successful era right now, if not necessarily a successful current season Neither of those things happen if Short Buss is still there.
Everything else being equal or even slightly better with a team that is in a non-destination city, most top FAs are going to a destination city. That makes for a chance to win titles quickly.