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2021-2022 NBA Season


Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 19,999.54
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Is he hurt?

Well, dumb question.

It's always something with this guy every game.

His stomach, the flu, his knee, his cornrolls are to tight.

But, does he have a injury?

To me, he plays like a guy who has accomplished his goals and is satisfied with his career.

Fans and talking heads trash him.

The next game he comes out and plays like a lion.

But, the next 3 games......



R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I don't see a CURRENT situation where you could move Westbrook.

I don't either. But things tend to change as the season wears on which, along with what I mentioned in my post, is why I don't see the Lakers looking to do anything until after Christmas.

The Rockets wouldn't want him back for Wall.

And I don't see the Lakers wanting Wall. They'd be better off just sticking with Russ, imo.

Maybe Love?

They did lose Sexton.

Still, not sure they want to introduce a Alpha Male like Russ on such a young roster.

Yeah, I can't see the Cavs wanting Westbrook with that young roster, he would take over and likely stunt the growth of their young'uns. About the only player I can see possibly benefitting from Russ on the roster is possibly Mobley and I only say that because Russ and AD seem to do fine when they're on the floor together.

As for Portland, Russ and CJ would be a disaster.

Not because of their styles.

But, because of their roster composition.

Nurkic looks like he wants to be anywhere but Portland and Covington doesn't give them enough scoring.

It would be the wild ass Westbrook hero ball show.

If they're giving up Dame, they're rebuilding, likely from the ground up. Westbrook is fun to watch, so he would put butts in seats. It might be better than just watching a bunch of guys who don't want to be there. One thing about Russ is he has no "chill switch" let alone an "off switch", so he'll bust his ass whether he wants to be there or not.

Having said that, unless the Lakers decide they made a mistake getting AD, I don't see them moving him for anyone, even Dame. They went through too much shit and gave up too many assets for that. Lebron, Westbrook and Dame would be interesting, but I'm not sure if it would be good interesting or bad interesting. lol

The only way I could see Westbrook for Dame happening is Dame would have to have an NTC, demand a trade and refuse to go to anyone but the Lakers. Considering that he has consistently said he doesn't want to be traded and that he doesn't want to be part of a superteam...it seems a tad unlikely that he would go to the Lakers.

Right now, the Blazers are 10-10 and sitting 6th in the West. If they fade out of the playoff picture and Dame decides he wants out...I don't see Dame for Westbrook happening, but they might be able to send Dame someplace else and maybe do Westbrook for CJ?

All of this speculation is fun, but may very well be unnecessary. As I've posted before, neither D-Wade, nor Kyrie were good fits with Lebron and he figured out a way to make it work. Westbrook is his biggest challenge, but I'm gonna believe he'll figure it out until he doesn't.


Most Popular Member
Apr 16, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
$ 109,565.00
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I dont even think russ is the issue with the lakers. To me it is more the role players they brought in. The one guy they signed who actually is a solid defender was Bazemore and he is now a bench warmer. They also need time


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I dont even think russ is the issue with the lakers. To me it is more the role players they brought in. The one guy they signed who actually is a solid defender was Bazemore and he is now a bench warmer. They also need time

They have also been without Ariza and Nunn all season. They were both expected to be part of the rotation. Vogel and his staff must be giving themselves ulcers trying to figure out rotations, etc.

Looking like Carushow2.0 (Austin Reaves) will be back fairly soon, so that is good.

When Ariza had his foot surgery, they said it would be reevaluated after 8 weeks...that would Dec. 2. Vogel is still saying Nunn is "a ways away". Starting to think Christmas may not even be enough time. lol


Generic line for rent here
Supporting Member Level 3
Jun 26, 2014
Soon to be the west coast
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,296.05
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I think there will be an assessment made around Christmas and it will be just be a question of whether any tweaks are minor, major or somewhere in between.
Yeah, there won't be some firesale like BKS thinks.


Generic line for rent here
Supporting Member Level 3
Jun 26, 2014
Soon to be the west coast
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,296.05
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I don't either. But things tend to change as the season wears on which, along with what I mentioned in my post, is why I don't see the Lakers looking to do anything until after Christmas.

And I don't see the Lakers wanting Wall. They'd be better off just sticking with Russ, imo.

Yeah, I can't see the Cavs wanting Westbrook with that young roster, he would take over and likely stunt the growth of their young'uns. About the only player I can see possibly benefitting from Russ on the roster is possibly Mobley and I only say that because Russ and AD seem to do fine when they're on the floor together.

If they're giving up Dame, they're rebuilding, likely from the ground up. Westbrook is fun to watch, so he would put butts in seats. It might be better than just watching a bunch of guys who don't want to be there. One thing about Russ is he has no "chill switch" let alone an "off switch", so he'll bust his ass whether he wants to be there or not.

Having said that, unless the Lakers decide they made a mistake getting AD, I don't see them moving him for anyone, even Dame. They went through too much shit and gave up too many assets for that. Lebron, Westbrook and Dame would be interesting, but I'm not sure if it would be good interesting or bad interesting. lol

The only way I could see Westbrook for Dame happening is Dame would have to have an NTC, demand a trade and refuse to go to anyone but the Lakers. Considering that he has consistently said he doesn't want to be traded and that he doesn't want to be part of a superteam...it seems a tad unlikely that he would go to the Lakers.

Right now, the Blazers are 10-10 and sitting 6th in the West. If they fade out of the playoff picture and Dame decides he wants out...I don't see Dame for Westbrook happening, but they might be able to send Dame someplace else and maybe do Westbrook for CJ?

All of this speculation is fun, but may very well be unnecessary. As I've posted before, neither D-Wade, nor Kyrie were good fits with Lebron and he figured out a way to make it work. Westbrook is his biggest challenge, but I'm gonna believe he'll figure it out until he doesn't.
And it's still early.....

Beal and RW started slowly and then started to play well together towards the end of last season......if I remember correctly.


Generic line for rent here
Supporting Member Level 3
Jun 26, 2014
Soon to be the west coast
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,296.05
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
They have also been without Ariza and Nunn all season. They were both expected to be part of the rotation. Vogel and his staff must be giving themselves ulcers trying to figure out rotations, etc.

Looking like Carushow2.0 (Austin Reaves) will be back fairly soon, so that is good.

When Ariza had his foot surgery, they said it would be reevaluated after 8 weeks...that would Dec. 2. Vogel is still saying Nunn is "a ways away". Starting to think Christmas may not even be enough time. lol
Reaves has been a pleasant surprise.