Yep. Time to get series. Take the next series against the wagon burners. Verlander will break 1 off in them. But. Iffy wants to trade verlander
Anyone seen Slinky? I asked him to post the avatar he wanted me to use for the week, but haven't heard anything back.
Hope tigers see Cody Allen. He is a run producing moochine.
I hope the Tigers plan on using Tigers pitchers. They all suck balls.
One day (soon) people will stop listening to doug/iffy (one person). Iffy will come up with Allen has 1 blown save - how many does the Tiger Bullpen have ... sorry just tired of listening to that idiot.
I would like to take you up on that avi bet if @TrustMeIamRight doesn't. The series is at Cleveland and you will be facing Zimmerman, Verlander and Fulmer.
You got it. I'm not even waiting for @TrustMeIamRight. He can have the next series if he wants.
You know, a finger in the bush is worth three in your pocket, or something like that.
I'll do another week avi bet with you for this weekend's series, if you'd like a shot at retribution.
You got it. I'm not even waiting for @TrustMeIamRight. He can have the next series if he wants.
You know, a finger in the bush is worth three in your pocket, or something like that.
That's fine too.